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  • Avatar photoSvK
    Post count: 187

    Name / Alias: SvK, Joshua

    Country of Origin: England

    Age: 25

    Main Character Name: SvK
    Main Character Class: Druid

    Main Specialization: Feral
    Off Specialization: Guardian

    Screenshot of your UI: I Use atrocityUI.

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience: ICC > Firelands > DS > Terrace > Throne of Thunder > SoO > Highmaul > Antorus > (End of) Castle Nathria > (Beginning of) Sanctum of Domination > this teir.

    History of Previous Guilds: None for the first like 9 teirs, ICC I played in a few ICC warmane guilds like Ohana, Firelands and so on until about Antorus was too long ago, Antorus was with Indecisive, Castle nathria was with my friends who go up to council, SoD was with Best in Slot with Kazzak, this teir is with Solid Lads (Kazzak).

    Why did you leave them?: I want to be/do better, and it seems like its impossible for them to progress.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?: Wowprogress

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: To be able to down more bosses than my last guild?

    What can you bring to the team?: Feral damage (Sustain AOE, Burst single target), Innervate, A stable mindset, don’t complaining after ever wipe for 30 minutes about how someone somewhere could of done better.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.): Every day after 5PM GMT

    Anything else you would like to add?: No, Thank you for your time reading my application.

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hi Joshua,
    since you put minimum effort into your app, I’ll do the same, we decline you.
    good luck

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