NikosGuest1 February 2023 at 12:36Post count: 194
Name / Alias:Nikos
Country of Origin:Greece
Main Character Name:Nikosdh
Main Character Class:Demon HunterMain Specialization:Havoc
Off Specialization:VengeanceScreenshot of your UI:https://prnt.sc/kYDPuaCkHusK
Warcraft Logs Link:https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/draenor/nikosdh
Previous PvE Experience:I started Mythic raiding at BFA,on the first tier, Uldir,where with my guild back then,a semi casual guild, we achieved 7/8m.The on BOD i got my first CE at around 550 wr with the same guild on Tarrenmill.On EP we got again CE around 700 wr and we disbanded.After that,on Nyalotha,i joined a different guild on Kazzak,where we achieved 297 wr on Nzoth.I was 3 years in that guild where we achieved every CE until now around 300-350 wr. I was playing retri pala until CN,then i rerolled to guardian druid because the tank left,and bw monk for Sepulcher.This expansion i started as havoc dh.
History of Previous Guilds:I was part the last 3 expansions of 3 guilds,one on Tarrenmill until the kill of Azhara where we disbanded,then i joined a guild on Kazzak called Never,and now i am on Ascendance-Draenor for like 20 days
Why did you leave them?:Because i was told that they recruit me for main roster,cause they needed 2 dhs,while in fact they only wanted me for dathea.Also,they didnt bring trials to a lot of bosses,even the early easy ones,cause they wanted their raiders to have 3 choices on Vault of mythic raid loot.As for Never-Kazzak,i left because most of my friends there stopped/left,and i felt i didnt fit in the guild anymore
How did you find out about Violent Circus?:I posted today(01/02/2023) on wowprogress that i am looking for a guild and i came in contact with your officer Fluffy.
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:Tbh i dont know a lot about the guild,i see that you are a 2 day/6 hours guild which is great for me,and my schedule. Also i saw that you got CE the tiers you are active which is my goal,and i hope for a friendly-mature enviroment.
What can you bring to the team?:I believe i am a reliable player,i can do asignements of mechanics, i have some years of knowledge of mythic raiding,but i am also willing to learn,and i believe as person i am not toxic and good to be around.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.):After work usually i am available.
Anything else you would like to add?:Not really,i hope to hear from you again .
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