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  • Avatar photoMortred
    Post count: 187

    Name / Alias:

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    Main Character Name:

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    Main Specialization:

    Off Specialization:

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience:
    CE in Nathria (very late), CE in Sanctum (WR398), CE in Sepulcher (WR628), All Mythic Fated, CE in Vault (WR430). I am 1/9M 9/9HC currently but not raiding actively (about 425 ilvl, last tier set).

    History of Previous Guilds:
    Started raiding in Nathria, played with an average guild and was able to get 7/10M with them. Then the guild disbanded trying to kill SLG. After that I decided to join a CE guild that was already farming Nathria (, even though I got the CE, I don’t think of it as any personal achievement as I got pretty much carried as the guild was farming it.

    In Sanctum I was a core raider of the guild and we were able to get the Sylvanas Mythic kill in a pretty timely manner. I took a break from the game after that (didn’t enjoy the game at all, and the 4-day 5-hour progress was too much for me).

    Came back just before the Sanctum ended and decided to change guild looking for a more relaxed schedule ( I was a core raider since joining and we cleared all mythic content until now.

    Why did you leave them?:
    The guild’s core is very close together, and I think I wasn’t able to completely blend. The guild is overwhelmingly british, maybe thats one reason why. After few tiers, I feel like it is a good time to try something new.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
    Popped near the top of warcraftlogs when searching for 2-day guilds.

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
    I am looking for a guild that respects time and is able to play at a certain level. I think your past performance fits that expectation very well.

    I would very appreciate if the guild I join would not be fixated on tier lists, simulations and stuff. I saw very bad examples of that and would like to not experience them again.

    What can you bring to the team?:
    I can bring a very good performance both raiding and in keys, non conflictive attitiude and hard-working mindset. I learn rather quickly as my raiding portfolio shows. Outside the game I am very active person, from sports to getting all sorts of knowledge, daytime working as digital electronic engineer. Maybe someone would find any of that interesting.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
    I am available raidtime and most evenings during the week. On weekends its pretty random, might be until very late, or not at all. Not playing any other game, so I dont find myself raidlogging very often.

    Anything else you would like to add?:
    Was able to got 3.2k keyscore with LFG last season. I am pretty good in dungeons, if you find it of any use.

    Thanks :)

    Avatar photoXethys
    Post count: 15

    Hello and thank you very much for your application.

    We will have a look at it during the day and give you an answer.
    Kind regards,

    Avatar photoCyne
    Post count: 27

    Hey! We would very much like have a chat on Discord. Would you please add me at Kagemoth#6651 :)

    Best wishes,

    Avatar photoCyne
    Post count: 27

    Hey, we have decided to decline your application as you have not responded to our request for a voice chat.

    Good luck out there!

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