Avatar photoAndy
Post count: 20

Hi Liavia,

Thanks for your application!

We will review it internally and get back to you soon.

One thing to note, however, is that we DO raid 3-days on the last boss of each tier to push for CE as well as run optional (but still highly useful) Normal/Heroic raids on Thursdays at the start of the tier to help with gearing up.

You mentioned you’re “looking for the rare 2 day guild that actually raids 2 days,” so we just wanted to clarify the above point, which is noted on our Wowprogress/Raider.io too.

Anywho, as I said we’ll get back to you shortly with a verdict but please let us know if the third raid day I noted above is cause for you to wish to withdraw your application.

Cheers, Andy.