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  • Avatar photoodi
    Post count: 201

    Name / Alias: Justin / oditwo

    Country of Origin: Romania

    Age: 33

    Main Character Name: oditwo
    Main Character Class: Mage

    Main Specialization: All
    Off Specialization: Yes

    Screenshot of your UI: Indeed not much has changed since DF

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience: Other than what you see on this character, in a galaxy far away, used to play in a guild called Solidarity on Outland in mop/cata getting realm firsts and being top10 eu. Disclaimer: i was average at best, just had a great rl.

    History of Previous Guilds+Why did you leave them?:
    Solidarity – raided in cata and mop, on and off afterwards as we attempted to reform but it never got serious.
    Solacium – BFA – stopped when guild fell apart
    Laid Back – DF – burned out in S2 during echo weakaura prog
    Feeling Mangoes – TWW – I want to not raid on Wednesday. Patch day lag is known to happen and patch day bugs are horrible (like ignite talent not working or excess frost CDR being 5s instead of 10s). The only trade off would be abusing bugs like the court one, something which we did not do. Also, I’m the oldest in the guild at 33 and this hurts to type.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: Similar schedule as my current guild. Better overall rank so I’d enjoy more competition/motivation. Hoping to run m+ together as well.

    What can you bring to the team?: I’m a forever mage. From back when Ensidia mages were bugging shit out to the unfortunate current season where a lot of us are becoming dark blue. I generally don’t complain unless it’s hilarious. I’m on time. Usually watch enough RWF or other streams to know fights well enough by the time we get to them. I try not to take things too seriously. Having fun is very important. I go from clown to tryhard depending on how hard content is.

    Availability (How often are you available, etc.): Can make raid times.

    Anything else you would like to add?: Don’t like tryharding logs on farm. Prefer trolling, within measure, as long as it’s funny (like slow falling on queen :>). Idk, I speak Chinese.

    Avatar photoEadrom
    Post count: 41

    Hi Oditwo,

    Thanks for your application, unfortunately at this time we have decided to decline your application, as we feel you don’t have enough of a consistent history of CE raiding at our level. Additionally, your app isn’t very detailed.

    Best of luck in your search for a guild!

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