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  • Avatar photoOliver
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias:
    Oliver / Fluffy

    Country of Origin:


    Main Character Name: Fluffydh
    Main Character Class: Demon Hunter

    Main Specialization: Vengeance
    Off Specialization: Havoc

    Screenshot of your UI:
    didn’t change since our Lightning Chicken kill

    Warcraft Logs Link:
    no current logs but here are my last as DH

    Previous PvE Experience:
    gonna keep it short with SL and DF
    10/10 M Castle Nathria
    10/10 M Sanctum of Dom
    11/11 M Sepulcher
    8/8 M Vaults

    History of Previous Guilds:
    Theres only a handful guilds worth mentioning throughout my wow journey up until Shadowlands.

    The first guild I want to name is Vanguard. This was my first international experience in Mists of Pandaria, before that I played and raided only with german guilds.
    Vanguards was a 3day guild, pretty hardcore for the time they raided and very efficient.
    I joined them during Siege of Orgrimmar progression and we finished top 150 world.
    I played Mistweaver for them and it was a great experience.

    Next guild I want to mention is Night Vision.
    I came back from a longer break in WoD and started playing with a friend again, we joined a late night raiding guild “Night Vision” because of my job back then and raided with them couple of tiers beginning with Nighthold and up until Antorus, mythic bridge boss was were the guild disbanded. We never really had a clear record with that guild, it was more an on/off raiding guild and just raid for fun.

    Next guild I want to talk about is VC.
    In Shadowlands I had a rough start as Havoc DH, the spec wasn’t really good and with Vengeance being one of the better tank specs at the time people often asked me to tank keys rather than dps’ing them.
    The same happened in my guild that fell apart at Huntsman Mythic because of the GM blowing the guild up.
    So I was on my last straw basically, having found no proper guild to play I gave it a last shot to change my wowprog profile.
    Hershi found me and introduced me to VC.
    I had the choice to make between joining my friend playing in a guild on Silvermoon or join VC.
    The talk with Hershi + the info presented on wowprog made me choose VC, it was just looking too good to not give it a try!
    I joined VC when you guys were progging Council in CN.
    I enjoyed myself a lot in the raids and outside, everything was and is very professional and effective.
    This is also when I was first introduced into the VC Bubble, or self sustaining guild.
    VC had it all, great people that were eager to play and raid together and also professions.
    Pugging was a thing of the past for me in VC which was great.
    I was also given the chance to be an officer for the guild, I happily took the opportunity because afterall I wanted the best for the guild.
    I tanked for VC up until the death of Laser Chicken.

    After VC I joined Iris, a guild that had a bit better progress than VC, coming down to the 3rd raid day.
    I was determined to push a bit harder so I left VC and joined up with Iris.
    I also changed my main doing so, played DK for the upcoming raid.
    In Iris I felt lost, even after some weeks of raiding with them it never felt right.
    I didn’t fit in very well, it was more memes and banter, sometimes even a bit hostile, than actual friendly behaviour that I was used to from VC.
    I started to raid Aberrus with them, but I think after 3 weeks I quit, I couldn’t do it anymore.
    I didn’t perform as well as I’d liked nor did I feel as a part of Iris.

    Why did you leave them?:
    Continuing only with the guilds I mentioned above, I left Vanguard because back then I had a harder time to not only speak english with the people but outside of the raid I had no real connection to them and I felt kind of alone.

    Night Vision fell apart, as mentioned above, and with it I took a break until Shadowlands.

    VC as mentioned above I left for a chance at better, more hardcore, progression.

    In Iris I quit the game after 3 weeks of the new Raid.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
    I want to change this question up to “Why do you want to come back to VC?”.

    After not playing wow for nearly a year now, I realized that I should’ve never left VC.
    Being in VC and tanking for the guild made me proud, I had a lot of fun playing with everybody and ultimately I had the best time in WoW.
    Raiding on a high level and having fun and doing keys etc. I was happy I tanked for u guys.
    “You only realize what u lost when it’s gone” – that is basically what made me think of re-applying to you guys.
    Leaving VC was the biggest mistake I made and I hope I get the chance to make a comeback, even if it’s not immediately for raiding but maybe for next season or coming new expansion.

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
    I wouldn’t have played all through Shadowlands with the guild, if I wouldn’t think it’s a good fit :D
    My expectations are the usual, raiding at a competitive level, having fun with the team doing keys and what not.

    What can you bring to the team?:
    I mean u know me well, but I am the tank that is also there outside of raiding for keys when ppl need it.
    Desperado Tuesday here we go!

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
    Any day I’m needed basically.

    Anything else you would like to add?:
    Happy to talk on Voice whenever!

    Avatar photoOliver
    Post count: 205

    It’s not really a social app, I forgot to delete that in the title

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