Name / Alias: Brozoxs (Tim)
Country of Origin: Belgium
Age: 30
Main Character Name: Brozoxs
Main Character Class: Vengeance DH
Main Specialization: Tank
Off Specialization: DPS
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Previous PvE Experience: CN 9/10M SOD 5/10M (stopped mid tier cause of birth of my 2nd son) 10/11 SOTFO
History of Previous Guilds: Undercover horde EU Silvermoon
Why did you leave them?: Disbanding
How did you find out about Violent Circus?: WoW progress
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: Im looking for a 2
day raiding guild while still being able to clear high content at a decent pase.
What can you bring to the team?: A chill Tank who loves progress raiding and always looking to improve each raid and each Dungeon
Availability(How often are you available, etc.): all raid nights and 1/2 nights during the rest of the week to run M+ as i realy enjoy M+.
Anything else you would like to add?: i will probably not be the best VDH you could find but I try to improve on all my classes every change i get. i play all Tanks casualy and could get every tank up and running if needed but i love my VDH and if you can get away with playing it i will :-)