Keymaster18 June 2021 at 10:35Post count: 116Name / Alias:
Country of Origin:
GermanyAge: 26
Main Character Name: Valker?a
Main Character Class: DruidMain Specialization: Balance
Off Specialization: Resto, some Tank (mainly for keys, havent tanked since BFA)Screenshot of your UI:
Excuse the Spongebob, this was taken from my sire firstkill video. The picture is just covering the chat.
Warcraft Logs Link:
Previous PvE Experience:
I cleared Castle Nathria and Nyalotha with an old “get together” of my guild Tenacity, with which i ranked World 500 Back in WOD. Uldir, BDO and Azshara I had to take a break to finish my bachelors thesis. Cleared the entirety of Legion at around World 600-700. I cannot remember specific worlranks, but I cleared mostly every raid from cata to mop on heroic (later known as mythic). Sometimes missing bosses like Ra-Den, Lei-Shen and Sinestra. In total i have 10 Cutting edges now, sadly these werent a thing in Cataclysm and before.
History of Previous Guilds:
Tenacity (on both Dragonblight(Wod) and Ravencrest(End of BFA/Shadowlands)), N?strandir-Antonidas (Legion, BFA), Corrupted-Antonidas (MOP), Absolute-Norgannon(Mop/CATA)
Why did you leave them?:
Sadly some of the players only wanted to clear the raid once and not reclear. As we were already struggling to find new players and had missed many raid days, the guild fell apart after the sire kill. I had to leave all previous guilds almost exclusively when they split apart for a variety of reasons.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
I checked for 2 day raiding guilds on wowprogress. Most importantly staying alliance :)
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
I am looking for a guild that is constantly playing, even in content droughts. I very much enjoy 2day raiding and making every second while raiding worthwhile. I want to be at around World 500 and maybe even push further (within the Limits of the 2 day raiding schedule). I didnt like the sentiment of people just wanting to clear it once and then stop playing. I do enjoy reclearing and dismantling the bosses through the knowledge and skill I have acquired over many kills/attempts. Seeing that you regularly reclear on the 2 day schedule that I so much enjoy, makes me feel like I can fulfill this goal with you.
What can you bring to the team?:
You will gain a player with thorough raid preparation: I read up on guides and look for videos of the boss resembling our comp or specific videos of my class. I check logs of the current progress bosses, to see where other players use their cooldowns. I will check discord if any new raid strategies have been announced and stack up on consumables.
I am used to a high level of raiding and stepping up when needed (For example backup soaks). I want to play as well a possible and am my own harshest critic.
If there is any issue or I want to bring something up (maybe a new raidstrat), I will not hesitate to contact an officer and have a conversation. I am very talkative, but try to keep it down during raids. I also love to play with other moonkins and exchange strats and improvements which are specific to our class.
Being an achievement and mount hunter has made me gain huge insights in the entire game: doing mage tower on every single class + specc, grinding PVP for 233 Weapons in Shadowlands, just to name a few. So i am very knowledgeable about the entire game.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
Im available mon, wed, thursday, sunday 6pm ST – 12PM ST. I am also online outside of these times, but not every week.
Anything else you would like to add?:
My logs are part of the reason I am considering joining you. Since we only extended ids for the longest time and have missed many weeks of raiding until falling apart after we cleared I did not get to many shots on most bosses.
That being said, I wont “cheese” for logs unless it is like the 12th reclear. Killing the boss in a clean fashion always comes first.Even though we have a content drought, I am playing almost every day since I am an achievement/mount hunter. So there wont be any chance of me quitting just because we have a bad patch.
For anyone interested, this page gives a nice overview of my mounts and achievements:
Thank you for reading
I am looking forward to your feedback
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