Keymaster16 December 2020 at 08:22Post count: 116Name / Alias: Brecht Koppers / Brielle
Country of Origin: Belgium
Age: 31
Main Character Name: Brielle
Main Character Class: PaladinMain Specialization: Protection
Off Specialization: Retribution (not really played actively)Screenshot of your UI: https://pasteboard.co/JF5Q3uw.jpg
Warcraft Logs Link:
Dont have a ton of logs on my paladin since my warrior used to be my main so I’ll present you with both
Paladin : https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/ravenholdt/brielle?zone=17&new=true#zone=11
Warrior : https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/ravenholdt/azone?zone=17&new=true#zone=13Previous PvE Experience:
All of Vanilla with the expection of a few bosses in Naxx.
All of TBC with the exception of a few bosses in Sunwell being killed after the Wotlk prepatch
In WotlK everything up to Ulduar normal cleared at which point I had to quit because I left for university.
All of Pandaria on highest difficulty minus Lei-Shen 25 man (didn’t manage to kill it before the next tier opened)
All of WOD on mythic
In Legion everything on Mythic up until Fallen Avatar in Tomb of Sargeras. After our first kill on FA I quit raiding.
I do want to add that all of this was done on my warrior. Unfortunately I’m not really a fan of the direction Blizzard took warriors in in BFA and they made it even worse now for Shadowlands which is why I’m maining my paladin. That said I did kill a handfull of Mythic bosses in Nighthold because warriors sucked that tier.History of Previous Guilds:
Vanilla til WotlK in a guild called Random on Kul-Tiras. Doubt it still exists though.
From start of Pandaria until now in RR Inc.Why did you leave them?:
Random: Had to leave for university and crappy campus internet meant I could not play WoW during that time.
RR Inc: Havent quit yet but with Shadowlands I want to return to raiding. My guildmaster would be happy to see me return but unfortunately the roster is overly full and I would also prefer a slightly more relaxed raiding schedule. When I still raided with RR Inc it was 4 days a week for a total of 14 hours of raiding which was quite a lot and was one of the reasons why I stopped raiding in Legion. I’m now looking to make decent progress at a more relaxed pace.How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
Wowprogess. Looking for a 2 day a week raiding guild with decent progress and recruiting a tank. Not sure about the tank part ofcourse but on wowprogress it is listed as all classes so I thought I’d give it a shot. Additionally the fact that we’re on the same server is just a small but added bonus nonetheless :)Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
As mentioned above I’m looking for a more relaxed raiding pace whilst maintaining decent progress. That seems to be the case for Violent Circus. Outside of raids I also hope to do high level M+.What can you bring to the team?:
I’m a very experienced, friendly player and I’d like to think I’m a good player too and I hope my logs can back that up. Having raided for as long as I have you see the same mechanics getting repeated over and over and as such I learn new fights very quickly.Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
I’m online most days in the evening. Ofcourse I also have other real life obligations from time to time but I’d plan those around the raid days ofcourse.Anything else you would like to add?:
I’ve always missed WoW during the times where I played more casually, specifically raids. I always enjoyed the challenging and social aspects of it and I have many great memories from my time raiding. I hope to be able to make a bunch of new ones with you guys :)
Besides WoW I also like to play other games from time to time, particularly strategy games.
Lastly I’d like to add that if you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to ask and I’d be happy to answer them. -
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