Keymaster22 January 2022 at 23:09Post count: 116Name / Alias: Matthew / Naflan – Stormrage
Country of Origin: Wales
Age: 25
Main Character Name: Naflan
Main Character Class: Death KnightMain Specialization: Frost
Off Specialization: UnholyScreenshot of your UI: https://imgur.com/a/uVrxI7G
Warcraft Logs Link: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/stormrage/naflan
Previous PvE Experience:
I have been playing World of Warcraft since 2006, I started about four weeks before TBC came out. My first raid was in Karazhan with a casual raiding guild I joined on my protection paladin, I played with them all the way to Black Temple until the guild sadly fell apart.
In wrath of the lich king I made my first Death Knight called Nalfan, I started playing it as a blood death knight (dps at the time) and didnt start raiding till Ulduar, I joined a Guild called ‘New Dawn – Eonar’ that cleared through 25 man Heroic Ulduar, we then as the expansion went on cleared through 25 man Heroic ICC, later on in wotlk I changed too frost death knight dps when they swapped frost being tank and blood being dps.Unfortunately in Cataclysm and Mist of Pandaria I didn’t do much raiding and went to pvp for those two expansions, in Cataclysm my guild from wotlk decieded to stop raiding and become a social guild which led me to go to pvp for awhile.
Inbetween Mist of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor I swapped from the realm Eonar to Silvermoon since I wanted to get back into doing raids again.
Warlords of Draenor is the expansion when I started raiding again, I joined a social raiding guild called ‘Reborn Legends – Silvermoon’ and started raidng with them, we did; Highmaul normal/heroic, Blackrock Foundry normal/heroic and Hellfire Citadel normal/heroic. Later on during this expansion we had a new member join which ended up becoming an officer in the guild, they had a very negative attitude towards certain guild members which made guild runs uncomfortable. Me and my friends would regularly make raid groups for our bonus rolls on certain bosses for that loot that didn’t quite want to drop, on one of the runs we made I got a whisper inviting me to a guild called The Burning Orb – Silvermoon that was doing mythic progress. Due to the uncomfortable environment in my guild raids and me wanting to do higher content than I was doing I joined them. We killed every boss on mythic besides archimonde.
In Legion we got Cutting Edge for Emerald Nightmare, we got 7/11 mythic in The Nighthold. Inbetween Emerald Nightmare and The Nighthold the old guild master came back to the game and started to raid with us, his raid leading skills in the kindest of words were chaotic. If you did one mistake he’d verbally berate you and try to make an example out of you. After killing Krosus most of our raiders left to make a new guild called Laltitude – Silvermoon, not being satisfied with the raid leading methods and how the progress was going. I later followed them and we continued on to kill Elisande mythic. Unfortunately the leadership in this guild was as questionable as the previous, so I eventually left and joined my friends guild on Grim Batol called Dimensional. In this guild we killed everything on mythic Tomb of Sargeras besides Kil’jaeden. When Antorus the Burning Throne came out we had some people leave and drop out with no one to replace them due to being a low pop server, we were able to kill 5/11 mythic before sadly the guild fell apart and stopped raiding. During this expansion me and my friends would make heroic runs for The Nighthold and Antorus the Burning Throne for our alts and mains, we would also play alot of Mythic+ during this expansion, getting a 3.1k score during 7.3.2.
Since my previous guild had disbanded from raiding I didnt have a raiding guild in the first few patches of Battle for Azeroth, I mainly did Mythic+ and did find pug groups here and there. When Uldir was the current raid I was looking for pug groups to raid with, I found a streamer during my search which was doing curve runs and at the time I didn’t have curve since it was quite rare for a pug group to get that far. Later during Uldir I would help this streamer with curve runs and do this every new raid (Battle of Dazar’alor Mythic aswell for mount, The Eternal Palace). During when Ny’alotha, the Waking City came out I was still raiding with this streamer on heroic and helping with curves, until they then decieded to go to horde. Throughtout the expansion I still did Mythic+ while also doing the raids with the streamer, after they went to horde all I had was m+ so I decided to push it and start to do Mythic+ seriously. I got myself to 4.2k score. When I was pushing my score I realised that I needed to get certain items from mythic Ra’den and Carapace of N’zoth, since the Mythic+ build at the time was frostwhelp build, this build was never possible before corruption and those certain bosses dropping azerite loot that was made to have 3x frostwhelp. My friend that I was doing Mythic+ with said that his old guild Imperium – Azuremyst was looking for a death knight at the time so I applied and join at the end on BFA, we killed all the bosses in Ny’alotha mythic and got Cutting Edge N’zoth.
In current expansion I’m still with Imperium – Azuremyst, we got our way to mythic Stone Legion Generals in Castle Nathria but unfortunately wasn’t able to get them down. In Sanctum of Domination we’re currently progressing on Kel’Thuzad mythic. The same as the last two expansions I have been doing Mythic+ inbetween guild raids currently 2.4k score.
History of Previous Guilds:
New Dawn 2009 – 2013
Reborn Legends – 2014 – 2014
The Burning Orb 2014 – 2017
Laltitude 2017 – 2017
Dimensional 2017 – 2018
Imperium (current guild) – 2020 – Current dateWhy did you leave them?:
New Dawn stopped raiding which led me to do pvp instead. Reborn Legends invited a new member which had extremely toxic behaviour. The Burning Orb I left due to the old Guild master/raid leader returning and making the guild raid uncomfortable and chaotic. Laltitude ended as soon as it started, same behaviour as the previous guild master. Dimensional was an amazing guild but sadly the guild broke up due to people leaving for other guilds and no one to replace them due to being a low pop server.How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
I found out about Violent Circus from a friend of mine that I do Mythic+ with from time to time called Biodody.Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
By what Biodody has told me and what I have read on your wowprogress, I believe that this guild has the same vaules as I do; having a sense of maturity, being able to be able to take criticism and improve yourself, to be punctual, having good communication and cooperation. One of the things that is also important to me is the 2 night raid schedule, due to the nature of my work its difficult to raid more than twice a week, however I would be able to manage to do more raid nights for new raid progression if needed.What can you bring to the team?:
As a class I can offer utility such as my AMZ, Grip, ABL and a additional CR. As a player I am a very experienced frost death knight player, I have been playing death knight since day one of wotlk, I know my class and character but I always strive to improve myself. I am an experienced raider also, I can always handle criticism and stressful scenarios, I am use to progress and how long wipe nights can feel without breaking my concentration. I know how the boss mechanics work on mythic and do my research beforehand, if I ever see something I may think is wrong I am able to communicate (if needed).Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
I am able to raid anyday after 7:15 CET which is about the time I get home after work.Anything else you would like to add?:
My name is Matthew, I’m 25 and live in Wales. I currently work in urology surgery and have been working there as a theatre assistant for the past two years. Hobbies wise I tend to mainly play WoW and some other games here and there, I do abit of airsoft sport on the weekends when I’m free and watch movies/anime. If you want to know anything else about me, feel free to ask. Thank you for reading my application and I look forward to your response.Kind Regards: Matt
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