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  • Avatar photoNathan
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: I go by Nathan/Dragon or Evocado

    Country of Origin: Germany

    Age: 29

    Main Character Name: Evocado
    Main Character Class: Evoker

    Main Specialization: Devastation
    Off Specialization: Augmentation (Mostly only in M+)

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience: CE’s since Siege of Orgrimmar with the exception of last 2 tiers of BFA due to personal issues.

    History of Previous Guilds: Tokidoki (Current guild), Legacy Reborn (US-Area 52)

    Why did you leave them?: I left legacy reborn after 4 years because I decided to go back to Europe so I could spend more time with my family. This was my longest guild stay and I miss them dearly but I cannot perform on 130 ms. I am still in Tokidoki but I am somewhat unhappy with how my future is looking in the guild.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: I am looking for a guild that drives me to be my best. I have flaws and I am very aware of it, but I also want to constantly learn and engage with a guild that supports me. I heavily appreciate constructive criticism and it helps me grow as a raider and a person. I read the about section and something about the name, goals and sense of community draws me in. I’d like to learn more!

    What can you bring to the team?: A good bit of laughs, commitment, consistency and a burning drive to progress in raids but also as a player aswell as some healthy competition! And if you’re nice to me, tons of pictures of Blizzcon!

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.): Any day to be honest, I rarely ever miss a raid day and pride myself to that.

    Anything else you would like to add?: This is perfect for a wow-related riddle!
    I am not famous, but I LOVE to dance, once a year I am given the chance.
    If you are hungry or thirsty, I can sell you some milk, water or cheese.
    Once a year, you can find some candy and apples by my side.
    I live far above among my kin, so I can not hide.
    My name is a nick for a class and I am a pretty furry, big lass.
    Who am I?

    I hope to hear from you soon!

    Avatar photoEadrom
    Post count: 48

    Hi Nathan,

    At this time, we are only considering outstanding applicants due to the size of our roster. While you seem to be a good player, we don’t feel you quite meet the level we would need to see in order to stretch the roster out.

    We wish you the best of luck finding a guild for the future!

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