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  • Avatar photoHampus
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Hampus / Haaamps

    Country of Origin: Sweden

    Age: 28

    Main Character Name: Flashii
    Main Character Class: Demon Hunter

    Main Specialization: Havoc
    Off Specialization: Vengence

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:
    DH –

    Previous PvE Experience:
    I have a few CEs and have been playing the game on and off since WotLK i have dabbled in tanking but mostly as a DPS but i have on occasion tanked some alt raids and alot of M+ tanking on various tanks but none worth mentioning in logs.
    Uldir – 8/8 CE
    BoD – 6/9 Guild disband at Mekkatorque
    CN – 8/10
    Voti – 7/8 CE (missed Dathea due to guild swap mid tier)
    Aberrus – 9/9 CE
    Amirdrasil – 7/9 Currently
    History of Previous Guilds:

    Cruoris – BFA

    Dáwn/Dusk – Shadowlands

    Mutineers – Start of DF

    Pod Gaming – Middle of Season 1 until end of S2

    Lucky Seven – S2 until present

    Why did you leave them?:
    Cruoris- Guild fell apart players stopped playing making the raid team fall apart and i took a break from wow after that.

    Dáwn/Dusk – Played the start of Nathria as stated before but had to step down due to personal stuff.

    Mutineers- Same thing here we lacked players too form a consistant raid roster

    Pod Gaming – Raided one and a half tier with Pod when i got an offer to play with some of my old friends and i felt the ambition to stay and raid (myself included) and player numbers dwindling i took that chance

    Lucky Seven – Played Up until we had 6 people quit in a week making the officers disband the raid team last week

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?: I was looking on wowprog for new guilds and the name rang a bell and it turns out i know one of the healers Andy/Xervyish from Pod and saw you looking for my main spec which is DH DPS

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: Im looking for a Semi Hardcore raiding experience and still wanna be able to see and challenge myself with the hardest content without committing my entire week to raiding and what i would expect from the guild in general is a nice team spirit and a chance to become a part of a stable raiding roster.

    What can you bring to the team?: I will bring a accountable and flexible melee (mainly) player who always tries the hardest and continues to strive to be a better player in all situations aswell as beeing a true competitor (And i would like to think Andy can attest to that)with no issues in dealing with assignments and a hunger to kill unnerfed endgame bosses.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.): im available almost everyday at 1730 to 1800 CET and when and if there would be discrepancies there would be atleast 1-2 weeks notice since alot of my life revolves around planning my schedule accordingly

    Anything else you would like to add?: Outside of WoW i play alot of sports on my free time and have a huge interest in both the NHL and NFL since i’ve played both Ice Hockey and American Football

    Avatar photoCyne
    Post count: 27

    Hi Flashii,

    Thanks very much for your application and interest in our guild. Let’s have a chat on Discord to discuss about you potentially joining us. I’ve sent you a friend request on Discord, so let’s take it from there! :)


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