Keymaster14 December 2020 at 13:59Post count: 116Name / Alias: Alexander aka Gibblets
Country of Origin: Sweden
Age: 29
Main Character Name: G?bblets
Main Character Class: ShamanMain Specialization: Restoration
Off Specialization: Elemental or Enhancement, depends on how much i want to hurt my wrists.Screenshot of your UI: https://imgur.com/a/zkKLh5A
Warcraft Logs Link: I dont have any logs atm.
Previous PvE Experience: Raided mostly only Heroic/Normal and when Legion came around i started raiding more hardcore focusing on Mythic.
History of Previous Guilds: I started in a Swedish only guild called Nine Six One on Sporeggar and played with them until Cataclysm ended. Took a break at the start of Mists and came back at the end of mists when Siege of Orgrimmar was out and started raiding with a couple of random people on Defias.
In the pre-patch of Warlords of Draenor i started playing with a guild called Djungelpatrullen located here on Defias and played with them to late Legion for when i switched over to Draenor and went horde to play with a real hardcore raiding guild named Konfluens, This one was also swedish only. And have been more or less guildless since Mid Battle for Azeroth only playing Mythic +.Why did you leave them?:I left all guilds just because i wanted to try something new out and some of them even stopped playing overall so there was no real purpose to keep on playing with them when we couldnt even fill a raid team.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?: I have seen you guys around in trade chats etc. and it seems like a nice guild
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: Im not looking for a hardcore raiding guild anymore and just want to see the new raids and have some fun while clearing the content. Im willing to raid all the difficulties. And you guys and girls seem like you have a nice team going for clearing content.
What can you bring to the team?: Im hoping i can bring some laughter and good insight in raiding and overall the game.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.): Im available every day of the week.
Anything else you would like to add?: Nothing for now, Hope ill hear from you in a near future.
Take care /Gibblets -
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