Name / Alias:
Country of Origin:
Brexit Land
Main Character Name:
Main Character Class:
Main Specialization:
Off Specialization:
Ret – Also have Disc Priest/Working on Havoc DH
Screenshot of your UI:
Warcraft Logs Link: (CN Logs are public, SoD Logs are private, can show if needed)
Previous PvE Experience:
1/10M SoD
10/10M CN
12/12M Nya
History of Previous Guilds:
Conscious – Progress
Dream Infusion – Farm
SINS – SoD (Current)
Why did you leave them?:
Conscious – Guild disbanded after prog
Dream Infusion – I temporarily quit the game and they replaced me
SINS – A few friends of mine rolled Alliance so I’m planning to swap over too, alongside some other issues with the guild.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
Because you guys raid a schedule that works perfectly for me and seem to get progress done in a timely fashion, in terms of expectations I expect somewhere I can improve my knowledge of my class and the game and improve as a player, aswell as somewhere I can get prog done while having fun doing it.
What can you bring to the team?:
Although my logs aren’t pretty pink/orange numbers I strive to perform the best I can for the fight and will happily sacrifice my log for a kill, I care less about pretty numbers and more about kills and getting the raid done. I’m also active outside of raids and plan to push M+ score and PvP rating this season.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
I play basically everyday, time depends on whether I’m working from home or not.
Anything else you would like to add?:
I’m more than happy to multi class and currently have a Disc also raid ready, the Paladin is currently Kyrian but swapping back to Venthyr over next few days.