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  • Avatar photoNariChu
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Aaron / NariChu

    Country of Origin: United Kingdom

    Age: 28

    Main Character Name: Narichu-Draenor (Was called Narii-Draenor previously)
    Main Character Class: Shaman

    Main Specialization: Restoration
    Off Specialization: Elemental

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience: I started playing properly during Warlords of Draenor at Blackrock Foundry and got a feeling for raiding with Solar Flare which was pushing Heroic and dipping their toe into Mythic. After this I wanted to push for the highest content possible and have aimed and achieved to progress my way to Cutting Edge every tier afterwards and I wish for this to continue in the future.

    Since mythic plus release I enjoyed running a few dungeons but have only recently gotten into pushing and wanting to achieve Keystone Master each season this along side my raiding experience allows me to adapt to different mechanics whilst trying to maximise my personal performance.

    I have been a healing main ever since I joined World of Warcraft and have swapped between Mistweaver Monk and Restoration Shaman depending on the needs of the guild. Although I always end up on the Shaman as the main towards the end of an expansion.

    History of Previous Guilds:
    There are 2 that are mainly notable which are Witness (my current guild) and Solitude / Last Pull
    After Solar Flare I joined Solitude and raided with them until it’s collapse mid HFC. Members of that guild reformed and created Last Pull this guild progressed together and cleared Emerald Nightmare in decent time. The guild stopped raiding at the end of that tier and me and a few members went back to Solitude that reformed on Kazzak ready for The Nighthold raid.

    Solitude progressed up 4 bosses through the tier and then the GM got banned and the guild collapse again. After this I transferred back to Draenor to join Witness on my Mistweaver Monk. I have been with them since this time and am currently raiding with them. We have achieved Cutting Edge every tier with this one being our worst yet due to the timing of the raid release.

    Why did you leave them?: I am looking for a new guild because of my work commitments due to Covid and it hindering my ability to commit to their raid times

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?: A WOW Progress search

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: Mainly due to the raid times and schedule I believe that you will be a good fit for me. I expect open communication and honest feedback on my performance as well as other members of the team being open to hearing feedback and looking to improve constantly.

    You have mentioned that you are a relaxed but serious community which is an ideal environment that I enjoy to raid in. I also like that you do not tolerate any attention seeking behaviour as this has been a downfall that has hindered our progression in the past.

    What can you bring to the team?: I will bring a wide knowledge of progression and past mechanics. The ability to play Restoration Shaman, Mistweaver Monk & Holy Priest to a high standard (currently looking to improve on Restoration Druid). I will not be looking to HPS whore unless given permission to log on farm only. I will always be looking to pump damage into the boss at any opportunity that I get whilst still ensuring I am being effective in my primary role.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.): Any time outside of work

    Anything else you would like to add?:
    Mistweaver : Naritea

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