Keymaster3 June 2021 at 06:15Post count: 116Name / Alias:
HuuhkajaCountry of Origin:
35Main Character Name:Huuhkaja
Main Character Class:DruidMain Specialization:Restoration
Off Specialization:GuardianScreenshot of your UI:
Warcraft Logs Link:
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/defias-brotherhood/huuhkajaPrevious PvE Experience:
Started in vanilla on casual raiding with warrior. got mostly the 20man raids down.In burning crusade cleared all the raids as prot warrior main tank and one of the raid leaders.
Wrath of the lich king continued with the warrior but took a little break in ulduar cause i hated the vehicle combat with passion for some reason. Cleared some of icecrown towards the end.
in Mists of Pandaria cleared everything as Disc Priest (way too OP back then).
Took a break in cataclysm and ended up with a wife (quitting wow is bad m’kay :D).
Came back in warlords and subjected myself to the horror of leveling as disc priest before switching to druid that has been my main since then. Did highmaul and foundry in mythic and some of citadel back then. Can’t remember what happened that we didn’t clear citadel, i think the guild started loosing players and we quit.
In Legion , cleared up to antorus release. Took a longer than planned break after getting realm first kil’jaeden with misty moon as they took offence in the fact that i wanted to take a break between we killing kil’jaeden and before antorus releases. Missed antorus then because of the longer break.
Mostly cleared all in BFA minus few bosses.
gone 8/10M now in Shadowlands. Current guild started losing people and recruiting wasn’t getting any. Guild leader decided to move the guild to kazzak but in the end only 1 person moved to kazzak with the leader so i was told it might not be the best option to join the guild in there.
History of Previous Guilds:
The once i can remember are J??tik?n Sankarit back in classic/bc/wrath, MMM in Legion, The Betrayed, Wrath and In Pieces Again in BFA/Shadowlands. Probably quite a few more guilds in all this time. Some i’ve left, some have broken down, Don’t think i’ve been kicked out of any of them :DWhy did you leave them?:
J??tik?n Sankarit broke down since people started to get to the age of having to go serve in the army, Most other guilds have either broken down due to losing too many people to various life situtations/drama/getting bored at the game. The ones i’ve left has mostly been because i wasn’t happy in the guild anymore or the people i was playing the most asked me to join some other guild.Wrath i left in this expansions cause in BFA, the raid team that i was in left the guild and formed their own In Pieces Again guild cause of some drama i had no idea about. I didn’t leave Wrath back then yet but in Shadowlands it seemed like i was only really talking to one other person in the guild anymore and as he left the guild, i felt like it was about time i left to join with the BFA raid team guild.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
Through wowprogress guild recruitment section.Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
Having a wife, kid (soon second) and a few dogs , doesn’t leave that many days for raiding so 2 day raiding guilds has been my thing for awhile now. 8-11pm (i assume CET was server time) would line up for me as 9-12pm so kid is usually in sleep already and everything is done for the day. And considering the description of the guild, people in the guild seem to be in the same situtation as me i guess.My expectations are mostly just fun times progressing and raiding.
What can you bring to the team?:
What ever resto druid can bring, though that hasn’t felt much these days :D. Long history of raiding and steady gameplay and decent healingAvailability(How often are you available, etc.):
I’m available for the raid days and other than that on and off depending how much stuff there is to do in game. Usually playing more when new stuff comes and when raid tier is nearing end, it might be that i just log in for raids.Anything else you would like to add?:
Quiet, usual Finnish dude who downplays himself and his skills most of the time and doesn’t think he is any good even though everyone around him keeps telling otherwise. I realise healing logs ain’t everything but it’s a sad day when you can’t get that +90% atleast :DThink that ended up being a lot more text than i had anticipated. Hope everything is in order and you ask if there is anything more you need to know.
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