Keymaster25 January 2021 at 22:21Post count: 116Name / Alias: Vincent / Scorpor ? Aegwynn
Country of Origin: Luxembourg
Age: 32
Main Character Name: Scorpor
Main Character Class: HunterMain Specialization: Marksmanship
Off Specialization: /Screenshot of your UI: https://imgur.com/a/AMOj12b
Warcraft Logs Link:
Current and main character on Aegwynn-EU: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/969646
My character I played on Blackrock-EU: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/23596607Previous PvE Experience:
– Vanilla: MC, BWL, AQ40
– BC: skipped
– WoTLK: casual raiding and more PVP
– Cataclysm: skipped
– Mists of Pandaria: casual raiding at release, challenge mode, break, Heroic SoO at the end
– Warlords of Draenor: Highmaul 6/7, Blackrock Foundry 6/10, Hellfire Citadel 13/13
– Legion: Emerald Nightmare 7/7, Trial of Valor 3/3, The Nighthold 10/10
– Battle for Azeroth: only leveled to max level
– Shadowlands: Castle Nathria 10/10 HC (pugs only)History of Previous Guilds:
I will only mention the guilds since WoD:
– WoD+Legion:
MVP ? Aegwynn (co-creator of this guild, casual heroic raiding until I wanted to play more seriously)
Juicy Loot ? Aegwynn (disband)
Blackl?sted (Transitional, only for a very short time until I transferred to Blackrock)
– Legion: Genuine (transfer to Horde on Blackrock)Why did you leave them?:
(Warning, wall of text incoming)
When I came back for MoP, around release of SoO, I did some casual raiding and met the people with whom we would start our own guild after the raid-team of the guild broke up and guild disbanded.In Warlord of Draenor, we started raiding with the new guild on a schedule, we cleared Highmaul on Heroic (only 9/10) and hit a wall in Blackrock Foundry. Leading a guild and a raid had proven stressful on me, especially as my mindset changed and I wanted to progress more efficiently. I decided to step down as raid- and guild leader.
I joined the guild ?AUSNAHMEZUSTAND? on Aegwynn-EU and we progressed until 6/10 and tensions in the guild started to build up. The raidnights were more pain than fun, some good people left and I didn?t see anyway we would progress any further. I left the guild and took a break from raiding because I didn?t know if I wanted to play anymore.
I finally came back for the release of Hellfire Citadel and a real-life friend asked me to join his guild ?Insane? on Aegwynn-EU. I did and raided with them for maybe 2 weeks until the guild broke up (because of tensions between the big 2 groups) and I went with one half which was named ?Juicy Loot?. We cleared Hellfire Citadel on mythic, in Legion we cleared Emerald Nightmare and Trials of Valor on mythic. The guild broke up after the second kill on Helya and I got contacted by the rivaling guild ?Blackl?sted? on our server to join them. I cleared Emerald Nightmare and Trials of Valor once with them, it just didn?t click with me and I decided to leave the server.
I transferred to horde on Blackrock-EU and joined the guild ?genuine? and we cleared The Nighthold on mythic. I played Tomb of Sargeras until 6/10 on mythic (logs seem to be broken somehow). As I recently changed my career and got a new job, along with other personal developments in my life at that time, I decided to quit WoW completely.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
wowprogress.comWhy do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
By reading the description ofyour guild on wowprogress, it seems as if you value in members and a guild the same things I do: maturity, punctuality and presence on raid nights, ability to take criticism and improve.
Another thing that is important for me is to progress on a 2 raid-nights schedule. Due to my old age, I have responsibilities that need to be taken care of and I can?t raid more than 2 nights a week (except for new raid releases where I would be able to manage more raid nights).
What can you bring to the team?:
As I have experience on mythic raiding (also raiding on 2 nights a week), I am used to progress and can handle long wipe nights without losing concentration, which I think is especially important if you only raid on 2 nights.
I know my character, know how to play and always look to improve (interested in analyzing my logs after raid night and looking to improve for the next raid). I know how to play mechanics on mythic and can handle the typical hunter chores that exist in every raid tier. If I see something that?s going wrong, I am able to communicate (if it is desired).Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
I am flexible on the raid days, so raiding on Mondays and Thursdays (8-11 PM, CET) is perfectly fine for me. On the other days, there is no guarantee that I will be online but I have enough free-time to do some mythic+ during the week and also have more time to play on weekends.Anything else you would like to add?:
My name is Vincent, I?m 32 years old and live in Luxembourg.
I studied engineering and worked for 7 years in private sector but am working now for our beautiful country as a civil servant. I am in a relationship (don?t worry, I am allowed to game) and we are currently building a house (or rather it will be built for us). No kids, just cats.
For hobbies I do some boxing, badminton, video games, cooking, watch movies/series.
If you want to know anything more about me, feel free to ask.
Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hear from you. -
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