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  • Avatar photoArakoz
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Chris

    Country of Origin: Sweden

    Age: 37

    Main Character Name: Arakoz
    Main Character Class: Demon Hunter

    Main Specialization: Havoc
    Off Specialization: Vengeance

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience: Cleared ClASSIC/TBC/WRATH with a peak on world 50 in guilds like <Curse>, <numen> and <Eminence>. Stopped raiding after LK25HC due to my current guild at that time <Eminence> went full German speaking.

    Played on a more casual level since then. 12 CE’s under my belt dating back to the very first, Garrosh Mythic. From Legion to Sylvanas Mythic I’ve taken all CE’s with a world rank of 200-500~~. Took a break after Sylvanas Mythic world 306. Came back now in DF with a burning passion for both the game and my DH!

    History of Previous Guilds:
    I’ve raided and played the game since 2004. The journey has been long. My current guild decided to quit raiding due to many being burnt out. So I’m searching for a new home to settle down in and I thought to myself, you know what? I have not played Alliance in forever and I LOVE Nelf DH, so here I am!

    Why did you leave them?: As they decided to stop raiding I’m forced to move on as I really wanna continue playing this tier and the upcoming tiers for this expansion. Hopefully for the next expansion as well.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?: Browsing WP

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: You check all the points and share same mindset as me. You guys been around forever and seem like a rock solid community to settle down in. A mix of both old and new, zoomers and boomers! A place to call home. To grow as a player and a individual. Make new friends to play the game with not just raid. Socialize and have fun, you seem to have it all and that’s exactly what I am looking for.

    What can you bring to the team?: Years of knowledge and experience. But also a humble minded dude with a mechnically anticipated mindset and sustained dps. Someone who is loyal to the game and his team. True team spirit and motivated guy who loves the drive of competitive gameplay. I very adaptable so if people are focused and play well, so do I! Always up to date on my char. Well prepped with consumes and taccs. Raiding is set in stone for me.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.): I always aim for 95-100% attendance as raiding is set in stone for me. It’s my biggest passion. So I rarely ever miss raids and when I have time I play the game outside of raiding hours. Which is mostly on a daily basis. Maybe not so late into a season tho I tend to play other games then.

    Anything else you would like to add?: Just hope you can overlook the fact that my logs are kinda “soso” as I’ve been on extended Rasz prog for about 5 weeks.

    Warm regards // Chris

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