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  • Avatar photoDudulish
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Dudulish
    Country of Origin: Serbia
    Age: 20

    Main Character Name: Dudulish
    Main Character Class: Druid

    Main Specialization: Balance
    Off Specialization: Restoration ( in dire situations)

    Screenshot of your UI: (Don’t have gametime currently, had to browse through folder)

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience:
    HFC 9/11 M
    Uldir 4/8 M
    BfDA 3/9 M
    Nathria 9/10 M (Cutting edge, wasn’t on Generals)
    SoD 7/10M (missing painsmith, guardian , and sylvanas)

    History of Previous Guilds:
    “Recently” was part of 2-day mythic progression guild from the beginning of Shadowlands. Managed to get cutting edge in 9.0, and missing out on cutting edge in 9.1 because I stopped raiding right before guild got it.

    Why did you leave them?:
    As mentioned beforehand, I’ve stopped playing wow in 9.1. Reasons were lack of time in that period , and later I lost any interest to play 9.2.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
    Warcraft progress website

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
    I don’t have time to raid more than 2 times a week, but also I want to be part of a guild for which 2 times a week is more than enough to accomplish great things.

    What can you bring to the team?:
    3% vers buff, jokes aside. You can expect consistent player with good amount of experience who rarely makes mechanical mistakes.
    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
    I’m a student , only time when I cannot make it is if raid time overlaps with some exam or mandatory exercise.

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hi Dudulish,

    thanks for your short application, but we donna decline it.

    GL in Dragonflight

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