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  • Avatar photoShutterLore
    Post count: 197

    Name / Alias: Colvin/ShutterLore

    Country of Origin: China

    Age: 27

    Main Character Name: Bigredbadass-TwistingNether
    Main Character Class: Death Knight

    Main Specialization: Blood for raid in this tier, Unholy/Frost for M+ and previous tiers
    Off Specialization: Equally mained, can play any spec depending on situation and team composition

    Alt Character Name: Shutterlore-TwistingNether
    Alt Character Class: Rogue
    Main Specialization: Assassination/Outlaw for raiding in previous tiers in BFA, Subtlety for M+ this season
    Off Specialization: Equally mained, can play any spec/role/combat style depending on request from team and situations.

    Alt Character Name: Unioncarrier-TwistingNether
    Alt Character Class: Paladin
    Main Specialization: Retribution
    Off Specialization: Protection

    Screenshot of your UI: I use native UI for raid frame plus SUF/WA/BW timeline for combat. you should be able to access this shared folder

    Warcraft Logs Link: For DK:; For Rogue: (Only pug runs this tier); For previous rogue character:

    Previous PvE Experience: I have been playing from (geographically) Europe on China servers until DF launches due to the termination of service which caused me to move to EU server. I started raiding in WoD and obtained realm first Archimonde as a Subtlety rogue. I temporarity withdrawn from the game since beginning of Legion until the end of Eternal Palace to pursue my studies and reterned in Nyalotha to obtain ~WR500 using rogue. Our team went casual during SL because of losing too many people after they finish studies here in Europe and due to Covid we are unable to recruit sufficient number of reliable players (We were one of the only two guilds that raid in midnight server time on China servers since the majority of our composition is students/employees that are in EU so we raid in CET evenings). I took over partial leadership and carried our team to 9/10M Nathria. I switched to DK during that patch because of the OP AMZ. As a fairly casual team we went until 8/10M in SoD and 8/10M in Sepulcher. In the fated season, I raided in a pug team and finished 9M Nathria, 7M SoD and 7M Sepulcher which I think is an acceptable result as a pug team with no consistent practice. After moving to TwistingNether-EU with ~10 ppl from the China guild, we joined a local guild and took over leadership to obtain CE VOTI, provided we started raiding (even in Heroic) 1 months later than most of the guilds. I played Blood DK for this tier because no one else wanted to tank so I volunteered. For these weeks after we ceased raiding I also played as DPS in pug Mythic chest runs.

    History of Previous Guilds: Nebulation-死亡之翼(CN) was one of the only two mid-night raiding guilds on China servers where most of the raiders are students or working people that are in Europe. We formed together to bring home to people like us that always wanted to participate raiding mythic regardless of time zone issues (and also our unforgettable collections!). Reunion-TwistingNether(EU) has been the team for us during this DF S1.

    Why did you leave them?: Nebulation is no longer accessible due to termination of bliz service in China. Reunion raid team disbanded because our core raid leader (who also was the raid leader back in Nebulation) has passed his PhD defense and obtained the degree, thus he planned to return home and withdraw from WoW. Most of the raider also went casual and focused on M+ instead.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?: I browsed on RIO for English-speaking guilds looking for DKs and has VOTI 8/8M completed.

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: 1. You are looking for DPS DK and I believe my skill in the class is right what you need. 2. Your guild has a consistent rading history and promising WR throughout the patches. 3. You have a relatively relaxed schedule so that I can also put some focus IRL during non-raiding days (I’m also a photographer) 4. To make more friends:)

    What can you bring to the team?: 1. Reliable and consistent maxed-out DPS, optimumly distributed (ST/cleave/nuke) as per team requires. 2. Flexible and highly skilled multi-class all-rounder melee/tank player that is team-focused and absolutely no toxicity. 3. Motivated M+ runner as tank/DPS depending on what you need.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.): after 7pm ST on weekdays and anytime on weekends (but note in advance)

    Anything else you would like to add?: I also had experience in mythic raiding using hunt/DH/war and in every spec (generally speaking >85% parses for pug depending on others’ performance and >90 for guild-based runs for every spec), basically I can play any melee/tank spec but due to limited time I can only maintain the listed characters this patch. I am a motivated player so I always collect gears and learn for every spec for the class I have to excel, rather than being a single-spec-loyal guy. In raiding I will always be focused on keeping the balance of damage and utility instead of solely pursue for high parses (In Dathea, dumping every cooldown to boss itself except for saving Limb for adds; Maxing out of Limb and Gorefiend Grip as tank for helping melees to dps adds the fastest and most efficient ways during Diurna encounter; In Ras, saving Limb exclusively for the lightning balls and adds positioning; Soloing a lot of stuff throughout the raid to help healer focus more on others etc).

    Thx for reading
    Best regards,

    Avatar photoBiffen
    Post count: 116

    Hello Colvin,

    Thank you for the application, and apologies for the late response.
    We’ll look through your application and give you a response as soon as possible.

    Avatar photoXethys
    Post count: 15

    Hello sir.
    You seem like a nice guy and a competent player, although we would require more proff of your previous WoW experience.
    However due to the fact we have just recruited another dk, we do not have room for more at this moment. I wish you good luck finding a suitable guild where you can make some friends :)

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