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  • Avatar photoRasmus
    Post count: 208

    Amirdrassil: 383 havoc dh

    Abberus:253 ww monk

    Vault: 292 ww monk


    Sepulcher:497 havoc dh

    Sanctum:930 havoc dh

    toad from sanctum to abberus guild disbanded
    joined A Friends Guild for amirdrassil after fyrakk it disbanded guild disbanded after fyrakk

    why i wanna join guild:
    juste wanna raid, have some fun whit some people and kill bosses before they get giga nerfed preferably.

    why pick me:
    im sleffles, grinder (m+ or whot ever need to be done) and try to be as helpfull as i can in and out side the raid. as a player as I choose to do what it takes to kill the boss, meaning ill often speak up when asked to do mechanics etc. if i fuck up in raid im not ashamed to call myslef out. I think teamplay is incredibly important in raid especially during progress. im a swed after all so i drive a tractor and live in a shed in the woods and play games

    pick of ui:

    people that can vouch for me:
    Samvoke draenor from Wiping As Intended: old gm of toad B-net = Sam#2565 Disc = SamMax95
    Evândar kazzak from Project: old guildie and friend B-net = partybaer#2642 Disc = partybaer#2642


    dint kill fyrakk whit A friends guild sins i whent on weekason that was planned and green flaged from gm at the time thot we would be killing it faster. but thay killed it next week when i was goon and then guild died.

    Avatar photoAndy
    Post count: 20

    Hi Rasmus,

    Thank you for your application.

    We will, unfortunately, be declining it due to the lack of effort shown. We have an application template clearly listed at the top of our application page for all applicants to use, which you evidently have decided not to.

    I wish you all the best in your guild-seeking journey!

    Cheers, Andy.

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