Guest8 May 2023 at 22:36Post count: 205Name / Alias: Simon/Avi for ingame callouts and stuff
Country of Origin: Norway
Age:27Main Character Name: Avistrasza
Main Character Class:EvokerMain Specialization:Devastation
Off Specialization:Preservation/healerScreenshot of your UI: https://imgur.com/opmsWcz
Warcraft Logs Link:
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/ravencrest/avistrasza#zone=31&partition=3&metric=dps Vault of incarnates
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/ravencrest/avistrasza?zone=34#zone=32 m+-Previous PvE Experience:
-Cutting edge Emerald Nightmare.
-Cutting edge Sanctum Of Domination
-Jailor 3% wipe on mythic…Sad
-Every single fated raid boss killed.
-Cutting edge: Vault Of The Incarnates
-2891 current rio /i Farm the m+ portals each season.History of Previous Guilds:
Violent circus, One night stand(current guild),Why did you leave them?:
i stopped raiding in violent circus cause i felt like i couldn’t balance school + wow at the same time, after beeing in there for a while i found a 1 day raid guild wich i joined since i would have time for 1 day atleast,
Im planning to leave one night stand to join your guild cause my work schedule has changed to working saturdays/sundays, wich makes me lose 1 raid every 4th raid, wich is quite big for us since we raid only saturdays(hence the name one night stand xD) , so i want to join annother guild to keep raiding as usual, since i only work weekends, ur raid times fit perfectly.How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
Its an really long time ago i joined u guys in legion, so cant really remember that far back.Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
Im searching for a guild that raids 2 days a week with efficient and good progress speed, i work only weekends so im always avaible for raids, ive gotten a couple of cutting edge’s since we last spoke to show that i have time for both raiding and schoolwork wich was an issue earlier.
the expectations i hope from you guys is that every raid is as fun and efficient as it was back in legion, wich your logs shows good promise that it still holds upp to it.What can you bring to the team?:
Positive vibes, i take pride in learning mechanics really quickly, im not much of an talker but i callout minor stuff (if the fight requires it, example asking if tank has good agro on razagath for adds 1st intermission,( evoker burst too powerful xD ). on all of our 193 razagath pulls i never failed to cast “Rescue” for my partner, so u can trust me with rescue jobs^^.Availability(How often are you available, etc.): I work extremly little with only 1 weekend a month, sometimes 2, so im actually avaible anytime besides those 2 weekends ( saturday + sunday 16:00-22:00)
Anything else you would like to add?: My previous/current guild raids only 1 day a week, so we dont really do much of “log” kills (we are doing some unique strats for some bosses, for example razageth where we kill 0 ads during final intermission, resulting in logs looking iffy, but if u click into it to see where i am compared to others on the meter it looks more alright.
Warm regards//Avileana
Hey Avi,
Thank you for the application, we’ll discuss and get back to you asap
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