Keymaster27 September 2021 at 13:54Post count: 116Name / Alias: Brandon Bosman
Country of Origin:The Netherlands
Age: 24(almost 25)
Main Character Name: Phantasystar-Ravencrest
Main Character Class: DruidMain Specialization: Guardian
Off Specialization: BalanceScreenshot of your UI:
In combat (outside raid)
Out combat (inside raid)
Don’t mind me laying down on the ground. i use wild charge for the first knockback and skull bash charge for the second dispell and as a backup i had my NF covenant jump. not quite sure what happend.Also the IAT box and frame betweeen dps meter and raid drame is gone
Warcraft Logs Link:
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/ravencrest/phantasystarPrevious PvE Experience:
Wrath of the Lich King
Icecrown Citadel 12/12N pugged Bronze dragonflight Innertruth Shadow priest (frozen throne 10players)Cataclysm
Blackwing Decent 6/6N Damnatio-Bronze dragonflight Innertruth Shadow priest / Holy
Bastion of Twilight 4/4N Damnatio- Bronze dragonflight Innertruth Shadow priest / Holy
Throne Of the Four Winds 1/2N Damnatio-Bronze dragonflight Innertruth Shadow priest / Holy
Firelands 2/7HC The Azeroth Knights-Bronze dragonflight Innertruth Shadow priest / Holy
*Dragon Soul 8/8hc 25 man Inept-Frostmane Bronze dragonflight Innertruth Shadow priest*Mist of Pandaria
Mogu’shan Vaults 5/6HC ?-Bronze dragonflight Innertruth (shdow priest) (horde guild)
Heart of Fear 6/6N ?- Bronze dragonflight Innertruth (shdow priest) (horde guild)
Terrace of Enndless Spring 3/3N Bronze dragonflight Innertruth (shdow priest) (horde guild)
Throne of Thunder 8/10HC Judge-Frostmane Innertruth (shadow priest)
*Siege of Origmmar 12/12HC 25 man Inept-Frostmane innertruth (shadow priest)*Warlords of Dreanor
Highmaul 6/7HC Inept-Frostmane p Innerrtuth (shadow priest)
Blackrock Foundry 10/10HC ?- Frostmane Innertruth (shadow priest)
Hellfire Citadel 9/13M Vestige – Frostmane Innertruth (Shadow priest)Legion
The Emerald Nightmare 4/7M Vestige – Frostmane Innertruth (Shadow priest)
Trial of Valor 3/3HC Vestige – Frostmane Innertruth (Shadow priest)
The Nighthold 2/10HC Vestige – Frostmane Innertruth (Shadow priest)
Tomb of Sergeras 1/10M Profound – Frostmane Projects (Unholy Deathknight)
Antorus, The Burning Throne –Battle of Azeroth
Uldir –
Battle of Dazar’alor 10/10N Myst – Frostmane Truehero (Holy paladin)
Crucible of Storms –
The Eternal Palace –
Ny’alotha, the Walking City 10/10HC Team swat nl – Aerie Pea Namedoesntfi (arms warrior)Shadowlands
Castle Nathria 9/10M (Denatrius 63% wipe)Explicit-Eonar/Ravencrest Phantasystar (guardian druid) and Xxl(brewmaster monk)
Sanctum of Domination: 5/10M (Painsmith Raznal 3% wipe)History of Previous Guilds:
Why did you leave them?:Damnatio
Bwd+BoT+Tot4w: this was raiding 1 d/w with an alt/social raiding group every friday. left the guild to raid more and higher.The Azeroth knights
Firelands achieved 2/7 heroic. continued progressing on lord ryo but could not manage to continue progressing so sticked with reclearing left after to raid more and higher.*Inept*
*Dragon Soul 25 man CE achieved, took a break from game after many reclears deranked to social.*?unknown?
MV+HoF+Toes: i can’t actually remember this quite all i do remember i swapped from alliance to horde to play with them on 10 man normal/heroic. almost got 6/6 in MV on a 3d/w bases. very tight group of people with many raid called as we were the only horde guild progressing back then.Could have returned to inept but did not want to focus CE at that time as i rather played with friends.. (poor choice if i think about it now)Judge achieved 8/10 10 man on Throne of Thunder they continued the push towards 10/10heroic 10 man. forced to quit as school was not going to well. deranked to social. This guild still excist theyre playing on Silvermoon last time i checked still going strong achieved CN CE last tier.
*Siege of Ogrimmar 14/14HC 25 man returned to Inept to get CE got multiple reclears.*?unknown?
After Highmaul i went social to focus more and school went to a social 10 man raiding guild cleared Brf 10/10hcVestige/profound (merged)
Workied towards achieving CE during Legion but didn’t achieve it with them.Myst
same as damnatio social guild nothing seriousTeam swat nl
Heroic focussed guild stop after achieving ahead of the curve moved to explicit to hunt CE againExplicit
Got 9/10M in CN with a new team, currently 5/10M almost painsmith down also tranfered from eonar towards ravencrest hoping to find people to bolster the ranks. after not reaching CE in CN and having struggles with progressing at decent paste for a 2 d/w guild it looks like we are not getting CE again in the current tier.
-people keep making same mistakes even after 100 pulls
-stress frustration between officers
-raiders having PC problems during raid
-Showing up drunk/hangover to raid night
-not coming prepared to the raid
I left the guild 26.9.2021 on a goodnote allways welcome to return.The Nightshade
Are a multiple CE guild since Xavius legion. tranfered from sunstrider to ravencrest looking for people to bolster the ranks. Joined them 26.9.2021 after leaving explicit. feeling motivated to push CE again with a new team.
i will be joining the raid next reset as i am lockout this week on painsmith. i have withnessed the raid from discord last thursday and will be today to watch progress from the side.
Nightshade raids 3 days a week total of 10.5h per week. this is fine but personally i prefer 2days with 6 or 8 hours with optional raid days when patch released or close to a kill.
I also noticed the current tank they have (DH) will go dh dps so they will run 3DH on KT and sylvannas next to having 3 rogues and 2 warriors so very heavy melee.
During the night they were complaining quite a lot having the not perfect setup and people ragequited after the raid night (tilt) this is quite worryingHow did you find out about Violent Circus?:
Fluffydh contacted meWhy do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
Goal is i want to be a stable ce raider again having a team around me. I’m have much regret I didn’t get (more)multiple ce in the past or even recent like CN.
I’m 24 almost 25 now and I’m working now live together have 2 huskies etc(way older than back then)I have a lot more control over my life which will help a lot to achieve this again and maintain this goal for in the future.I did wath some streams when i saw it on Fluffy discord and watched (some) videos from the youtube channel and Fluffy also shared the work you guys do pre doing the fight and i just love the way things are rolling and it motivates me more and more while getting flashbacks when i got my CE’s.
What can you bring to the team?:
High Attendancy
Vocal in raid/towards co tank (open to use skype meanwhile raid during discord)
High dps output as secondary next to being the tank
MotivationAvailability(How often are you available, etc.):
Allways. on severe occasions from work or private i allways let you know a week aheadAnything else you would like to add?:
i was positively surprised when fluffydh approached me to apply as a tank for your guild. totally not expected. i’m super motivated and really excited to start mythic progress kt and sylvannas. Keeping in mind that nightshade has accepted me as a tank which I value very much I always look at the negatives such as team comp and how people react after a night of wiping. however, this was disappointing. I like to think in solutions and try to turn something negative into positive thoughts.i know fluffy from sbs boosting where we sometimes tank a run together and always thought he was a cool guy with higher progress than me and high dps (that made a difference in the sbs runs haha)
I am willing to give 1000% to become what I once was. and what I said before now with steady work and everything around it I simply have all control over my life to do and be where I want.Going to be completely honest sometimes my game time ran out and i could not continue progressing this happend during legion. vestige/profound they manage to get CE but i was simply not able to play as i was forced to stop and focus more on school.
i hope for a quick answer wednesday i will start with KT mythic or sylvannas mythic progress depending if i can join you the other tank will keep its current covenant. (i explained this to fluffy)
Hope to hear you soon.
Kind regard Brandon
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