Keymaster20 June 2021 at 20:56Post count: 116Name / Alias: Dori
Country of Origin: Netherlands
Age: 27
Main Character Name: Doriie
Main Character Class: Demon HunterMain Specialization: Havoc
Off Specialization: Vengeance, although I don’t have much experience tankingScreenshot of your UI: https://i.imgur.com/5rdhdFJ.png
Warcraft Logs Link: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/silvermoon/doriie
Previous PvE Experience:
Castle Nathria – 7/10M
Ny’alotha – 4/12M
The Eternal Palace – 6/8M
Battle of Dazar’alor – 3/9M
Uldir – 2/8M
Antorus – 6/11M
Tomb of Sargeras – 4/9M
Nighthold – 6/10M
Emerald Nightmare – 6/7MHistory of Previous Guilds:
<Anything is Better> (Silvermoon)
I raided with AIB for the last few months and we managed to achieve 7/10M. Sadly, the guild was not going in the right direction. The raid leader wasn’t making good decisions with the tactics which forced us to have over 250 pulls on Council of Blood as well as making other bosses much more difficult than they should have been. The lack of organisation and planning made for a very rocky experience in the guild and outside of actually getting boss kills, the guild wasn’t enjoyable to be in and so I left.<Rewind> (Draenor)
I raided with Rewind for Eternal Palace and Nyalotha. I loved everything about Rewind, it had many different aspects that interested me and made me happy including the guild’s environment, the way that officers managed and led the guild and the atmosphere during raids. I had an IRL burnout period where I wasn’t able to work anymore and I took some time away from everything to recover.<Proximity> (Aggramar)
I played with Proximity from the beginning of Legion until the Eternal Palace. Towards the end of BFA, the guild split up and disbanded. Some people broke off and went to Tarren Mill however I didn’t follow them.Why did you leave them?: I think I covered this in the explanation above! I’m happy to answer any questions you have if you would like.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?: I have done some dungeons and pug raids with Jonpala over the last year or so. We talked about the guild a few months ago before I joined Anything is Better. I wanted to get some more progress and logs in my hands before I looked for a guild to join that I can stay with for a long time.
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: I’ve seen a lot about Violent Circus in Shadowlands and I have followed the progress of the guild on wowprogress in the first few months of the expansion. I think that the guild looks very organised and has some strong leadership figures and it’s something that I’ve always looked for in a guild. I think that I can grow myself in your guild and become a much better player as time goes on. I have a lot of motivation and drive to push myself further in raiding and I can see that this would be a great opportunity for me to try and take if possible.
What can you bring to the team?: Demon Hunters are seen as a ‘meme’ melee spec however I feel that the spec fills in some niches that other melee DPS simply can’t fill. I can have constant uptime on bosses that involve a lot of movement, like Sire Denathrius, and outperform other melee DPS who would normally outdps me on a patchwerk boss fight. I also have a big burst window which can be very useful on certain bosses. I am very open minded towards criticism as I am highly focused on developing myself as a player and along with this I bring a positive attitude towards raiding and getting involved in other objectives in the game. I enjoy doing M+ and some occasional PVP and I would love to get involved in these types of things with other raiders too.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.): I’m very flexible. I don’t work, and so I’m free all day every day.
Anything else you would like to add?: I’m hopeful for a spot in the guild, even if there isn’t one open right now. Violent Circus sounds like the forever-home for me and I would love to join if I was given the chance.
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