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  • Avatar photoDave
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Cheeriyoz

    Country of Origin: UK

    Age: 30

    Main Character Name: Cheeriyoz
    Main Character Class: Holy/Disc Priest

    Main Specialization: Disc
    Off Specialization: Holy

    Screenshot of your UI: (Not sure if this system gonna work let me know)

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience: CE raider over multiple tiers on and off, mainly Vanilla BC WOTLK originals were my love, then work came in and had to take a break. Played again during legion BFA SL but lost abit of a love due to borrowed power. However im back at DF with a vengeance due to just being able to play the game I want to play. Raider / M+ pusher enjoys playing priest through and through even when we are not meta in M+.

    History of Previous Guilds: Synergize my main guild in SL, loved them raided alot however i fell out of love as mentioned above due to the borrowed power in SL and didnt want to do all the stuff I hated just to stay relevant. Parted ways due to this.

    Adopted Apes, DF guild joined them when they were establishing due to lack of immediate guild since I didn’t raid last tier of SL, Casual guild who i dont beleive are CE and have alot of teething and managerial problems expected with a new guild. Also raid times are to early and dont work out for me being from the UK

    Why did you leave them?: Mentioned Above

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: I want to go home to the alliance. I have been horde for to long! On the real side though you guys seem to have your shit together as a guild and just looking for the last people to come fill them gaps which im hoping can be my. Honestly just looking for a DF home and do my thing!

    What can you bring to the team?: A solid Healer, chill older guy who brings no drama. I just want a guild where management own it and I keep my char/chars upto date then come own the raids with u all! Plenty of M+ inbetween. I truely am not the guy whos going to be a social hub on discord but you dont want to many of them anyhow :)

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.): Your raid times are perfect however realistically I play every night.

    Anything else you would like to add?: I got my MW / Evoker max level but weak gear, can easily re-roll into them over the next couple of weeks if we need them as i know wheelchairs can be a pain moving forward into Raz.

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hey Cheeriyoz,

    thanks for your application.

    You don’t have the experience we would like our new healer addition to have, so we have to decline. Best of luck in your future endeavours :)

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