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  • Avatar photoSargassar
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Viktor

    Country of Origin: Germany

    Age: 28

    Main Character Name: Sargassar
    Main Character Class: Paladin

    Main Specialization: Holy
    Off Specialization: Rather Ret than Prot

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    BFA Alliance Paladin:
    SL Horde Paladin:

    Previous PvE Experience:

    My first PvE Experience was in the Game Runes of Magic where i discovered my love for healing and cleared most of the content that was present at the time. After playing multiple Free-To-Play MMORPGs (most notably Rift) my friends and I decided to finally give WoW a shot.

    So i started playing WoW at the launch of BfA and dipped my toes into mythic with a cross-realm community. We managed to go 5/8 and went up to Zul.

    After then joining a guild i played every raid tier up to Sanctum of Domination.

    Uldir: 5/8 Mythic
    BoD: 5/9 Mythic
    CoS: 2/2 Heroic
    TEP: 5/8 Mythic (as healing officer)
    Ny’altoha: 11/12 Mythic (as healing officer)
    Nathria: 10/10 Mythic CE (as healing officer)
    SoD: 5/10 Mythic

    Besides Raiding i really got into M+ when i started playing and was the best Holy Paladin on the server in every Main Season in BfA, while placing top 500 World in every Season besides BfA Season 4.

    In SL the amount of time i had at my disposal was shortened due to work and my playing time had to be filled with daily stuff to stay competitive. So i did not push as much M+ as i wanted.

    History of Previous Guilds:
    After the Uldir Hall of Fame had been long filled, my friends and I joined a cross-realm raiding community and dipped our toes in Mythic. We reached Zul with this community.

    After that tier some people of this community migrated to Aegwynn and we joined the second raidteam of the best guild at the time on the server Couch Drei.

    Soon this second raidteam seperated into its own Guild and Initium was founded.
    At the end of BfA we decided to switch to the Horde side because of the guild struggling to recruit people on the alliance side or even on our server.

    So we migrated (or in my case created a new character) on Blackmoore and created the guild GoodVibes. With this roster i managed to get my first CE in Nathria.

    That grind though burned out a lot of people and we lost a big part of our roster and thus decided to merge with the guild Vile on Blackmoore.

    With this guild we went into Sanctum but the Guildkiller Painsmith got the better of us and during my summer vacation the raidteam disbanded and i came back and was not able to raid.

    Then i stopped playing retail and played some Classic WoW.

    So in fact i only switched names but raided with almost the same people for my whole wow career.

    Why did you leave them?:

    Even though i switched a lot of guildnames i never left my original raidcore until everything broke apart at Painsmith.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:

    Since we can form cross faction groups now i started to look for alliance guilds that want to raid on a 2 day schedule and found you on wowprogress. Your guild description is so outstanding among all the others that i just had to apply.

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:

    I am looking for competitive place to play and stay. I really value the group spirit and playing as a team. One thing i like about healing is discussing it with my healing colleagues and form individual strategies that rely on the specs strength. I expect that to be possible with a roster that plays together as long as yours.

    Your organized structure and tightly knit community really appeal to me and i expect clear communication and a progress oriented mindset without it getting cringe.

    Even though i was in the „officer position“ once i’m looking for a team which is already organized. I will happily communicate my opinion on everything healing-concerned but i don’t want to be involved in any operational decisions.

    What can you bring to the team?:

    I bring a highly competitive Holy Paladin Main. I just love this spec. Whether it be broken or weak i will play it. I always try and get the most out of it and i frequently visit the Holy Paladin Discord and i love to theorycraft. So you can expect me to always be well informed about my spec and its builds.

    I love to communicate and i have no problem in admitting my own faults and trying to fix them as soon as possible.

    Healing is my RPG passion. I know what the idea behind every healing spec is and i love to discuss what might be useful in what situation.

    I am a very easy to handle raider. If i’m benched so be it. I just want to know in time.
    Also i can’t stress enough how i don’t care about loot. This does not mean i don’t try to make my character as powerful as possible but if you think my loot is better on another raider or that person needs the good feeling of aquiring loot i will happily give it to them.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):

    I’m availabe Mo-Do for sure and most Sundays. On Friday and Saturday i might be there but that’s not predictable.

    Anything else you would like to add?:

    I’m aware that i’ve only raided on my Holy Paladin. I played every other healer besides Druid in M+ during BfA but i haven’t had a competitive Alt in SL due to the amount of work before all the QoL changes.That might change depending on the alt-friendliness of Dragonflight

    Also after reading some of the other application i see that you value experience a lot.
    I know that i’ve only played WoW since 2 expansions now but i think i managed fairly well for such a short time, considering i stuck with the same team and all of the teambuilding issues that went with that.

    I really hope that we can get in touch.

    May the light be with you.


    Avatar photoBiffen
    Post count: 116

    Hey Viktor!

    And thank you for the long application.
    We’ll discuss it internally as soon as possible, and get back to you!

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