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  • Avatar photoZakeya/Fourtea
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Zakeya (character name) or Four Tea (online identity)

    Country of Origin: England

    Age: 28

    Main Character Name: Zakeya
    Main Character Class: Paladin

    Main Specialization: Holy
    Off Specialization: Prot in M+ and Ret in raids. I play Preservation Evoker very well, and training my Mage.

    Screenshot of your UI:
    I use MRT for raid cooldowns and notes if the group requires. Vocal raid assistant addon to track healer cds and not overlap. Raid ability timeline WA

    Warcraft Logs Link:
    Holy Paladin rio
    Heroic logs
    Vault –
    Aberrus –
    Amir –
    Mythic Logs
    Vault –
    Aberrus –
    Amir –

    Pres Rio –

    Previous PvE Experience: I started my mythic raiding journey in S2 DF as Holy paladin and in such short time have become a really mythic raider. I got to 8/9 mythic and as my skill improved I would look for a strong team with aim to get CE

    History of Previous Guilds: I’m currently “Healer Problem”, Had my own semi casual guild with friends before that, and before that was in a casual guild.

    Why did you leave them?: the first guild I was in did good, but was on outland server and I Wanted a big server so had to leave them. My own guild disbanded because friends stopped playing. I’m planning to leave my current guild mainly because they’ve chosen not to pursue CE next expansion. We have come a long way as a group and imo we can achieve it but alas not meant to be. My skills have improved a lot and I’m ready to clear the full raid.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?: on wow progress.

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: From the outset it sounds like the guild is dedicated to getting CE every season at your own pace. Sounds like there’s a sense of community but also seriousness to clear raids and that’s a good fit for me.

    What can you bring to the team?: I always carry my weight and am very reliable. I progress M+ every season and always happy to do it with guild teams. I’m positive and just mainly here to have a good time and enjoy the game. I keep trying to improve and research a lot about the game, and my performance, can study logs and good at organising defensive/healer cds.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.): I WFH and always available, constantly online :D. I like your raid times and approach.

    Anything else you would like to add?: No thanks, hope to hear from you.

    Avatar photoAndy
    Post count: 20

    Hi Zakeya,

    Thanks for the application. We will review it internally and get back to you in the next day or so!

    Cheers, Andy.

    Avatar photoEadrom
    Post count: 48

    Hi Zakeya,

    Unfortunately we do not feel you have the necessary experience to fit into our team. Best of luck finding a guild!

    Avatar photoEadrom
    Post count: 48

    Hi Zakeya,

    Unfortunately we do not feel you have the necessary experience to fit into our team. Best of luck finding a guild!

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