Guest7 December 2022 at 13:30Post count: 205Name / Alias: Oat
Country of Origin: Finland / UK
Age: 29
Main Character Name: Oatbless (EU-Stormreaver)
Main Character Class: PriestMain Specialization: Disc / Holy
Off Specialization: ShadowScreenshot of your UI:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Y14U_xsPKCHYap-hQL-71fSMGH6L4B2w?usp=sharing (I’ve done lots of optimisation with my healer frames / WAs since DF launch, so the raid screenshot is outdated.)
Warcraft Logs Link:
Previous PvE Experience:
I started playing the game in BfA, only first raiding in Shadowlands. Though I’m new, I’ve mastered my class and raided with some of the top Finnish players in a ~300WR guild (Afterburst, EU-Stormreaver), 3 days a week. The core consisted of “retired” hardcore raiders from the server (mostly from Slack, EU-Stormreaver, <50 WR guild). With this bunch, I learned a ton about progression raiding!
I achieved Cutting Edge in Sanctum playing Disc Priest; and raided up to and including Anduin in Sepulcher (pre-nerf) playing Holy Priest. I have good reasons for quitting mid-tier, and would rather discuss them privately. The guild went on to achieve WR 395.
History of Previous Guilds:
The only guild I’ve ever been a part of is the aforementioned Afterburst (EU-Stormreaver). However, I’ve stumbled upon numerous other guilds while searching for a suitable home: e.g., mythic prog with Zeus (EU-Outland) and social runs with Synergia (EU-Outland).
Why did you leave them?:
The guild are no longer raiding.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
Fit for me:
1) Efficient raiding (my experiences of playing with slower guilds have been frustrating due to slow progression / large skill-gaps within players)
2) Raid times (2x per week / weekday raids)
3) Active core outside of raids; a warm, mature community that I can hopefully call home!Expectations from you:
1) Experienced leadership
2) Skilled roster to learn fromWhat can you bring to the team?:
I’m a multi-class healer and can play other specs if preferred (e.g., Resto Shaman). I know my Priest inside-out and can off-spec DPS if need be. I learn quickly, I’m nerdy about numbers, and spend time optimising my builds. I can handle constructive criticism and understand that RAID > ME when it comes to decisions re: loot, HPS, etc.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
The listed raid times + some weekday evenings / weekends. In addition to raiding, I’m looking to actively push M+ and have fun times in-game! :)
Anything else you would like to add?:
I’m available to transfer instantly. Let’s chat on Discord… happy to provide more info!
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