TraxesGuest5 December 2022 at 15:13Post count: 197
Name / Alias: Traxes
Country of Origin: Sweden
Age: 29
Main Character Name: Traxes
Main Character Class: EvokerMain Specialization: Preservation
Off Specialization: DevastationScreenshot of your UI: Plain old regular
https://gyazo.com/63404e50965d499d0b950e831ff6c2d2Warcraft Logs Link: It’s been a while since I did much of interest but heres what exists ;)
Previous character has been a resto shaman since TBC. (Spajkey) Had a couple name changes/faction changes.
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/ravenholdt/spajkey?zone=29#zone=26&boss=2418Previous PvE Experience: Always been raiding on and off since TBC primarly Mythics when that became an option because that’s what I consider most fun, the latest raid I attended was castle nathria which we cleared 8/10(M) with a guild called In Pieces Again, haven’t raided much after that primarly due to the lack of teammates to do it with. :) It’s not so simple being accepted into an already established guild and given the chance to earn a place in the main roster.
History of Previous Guilds: Most recent was In Pieces Again before that I have been swapping realms and factions a bit to fit in with friends in their guilds alot, because that’s what I am looking for above all really, a community in which you can also do more than perhaps raid (even though raiding is the best part) :) as in pvp, dungeons perhaps events etc. It is that most of all that keeps the game interesting and fun for an extended period of time.
Why did you leave them?: Going into my latest guild I knew they were perhaps not the top 1% of the most incredible raiders with that said I think some may have expected everyone to be just that, which caused friction and bad mood after progression wiping which in turn led to a kinda toxic atmosphere in the guild which I’m not fond off, I was of course not in the center of all this but a bystander which was left with a worse experience then what it should be.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?: From a friend that’s currently in the guild but I would have taken my shot at applying anyway based on your results at wowprogress and your description of the guild.
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: You try to improve at all aspects of the game which I love, as I try my best to do the same. Not only do I think I can offer you a solid core raider but also perhaps someone in which some of you might consider a friend at some point. In return I’m hoping for a commited bunch of gamers in which we can not only claim several realm firsts but also have fun while doing it.
What can you bring to the team?: Overall highly experienced raider and all that comes with that title, also im gonna be hot fire in the arenas if you guys wanna do some of that tastyness, Fingers crossed: ;)
Availability(How often are you available, etc.): Anytime
Anything else you would like to add?: If you guys should be unsure of anything please let me know, and would you like to I’m always up for some banter while doing mythics, arenas bgs whatnot to get to know eachother better.
Toodelidoo – Traxes
Hi Traxes, thanks for your application.
If you could anser me this: What’s the name of your friend in our guild currently?We will discuss your app internally and will come back to you shortly.
TraxesGuest5 December 2022 at 22:40Post count: 197Hi!
Cyne and I have been playing alot together over the years.
Thanks for taking my application into consideration.
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