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  • Avatar photoMohammad
    Post count: 201

    Name / Alias: My name is Mohammad

    Country of Origin: Kuwait

    Age: 26

    Main Character Name: Chikapaw-Twisting Neather
    Main Character Class: monk

    Main Specialization: Mist Weaver
    Off Specialization: –

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link: &

    Previous PvE Experience: ( Multi CE experience ( Nyalotha / CN / SoD / Sotfo) was a raid leader in SotFO and secured CE with me as a Raid leader, VoTI I did not raid it, Aberrus 8/9M ( was the raid leader of my guild which we got 4/9 M then got disbanded, then joined Pod gaming guild and got 8/9 M with a person in your guild called Andy who was our guild master. Recently I am 7/9M Amirdrassil and have 450 pulls in Tindral and best pull is 22% and my guild just disbanded)

    History of Previous Guilds: Technical Difficulties-twisting neather / Pod Gaming- Stormscale / Elduwaniya-Twisting neather / Cutting the Edge – Draenor

    Why did you leave them?: All guilds mentioned above got disbanded due to burn out.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?: my previous Guild master from Pod Gaming called Andy.

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: to pump CE on every raid and to have fun meanwhile.

    What can you bring to the team?: my experience as a player with DPS or Healing ( have experience with both) recently now I am playing MW and I do not mind playing another class depends on what the guild wants.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.): available for raid days and outside of raid days.

    Anything else you would like to add?: for my information kindly contact me via discord bladeful

    Avatar photoEadrom
    Post count: 41

    Hi Mohammad,

    Thanks for your application. Unfortunately at this time we have decided to decline. Usually we like to see a little more effort in an application to show that you are serious about joining a guild, and a mistweaver is not a massive need for us right now.

    We wish you the best of luck in your search for a guild!

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