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  • Avatar photoJoakim K.
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias:
    Sienitrippi / Zamboni
    Country of Origin:
    Main Character Name: Lepokukko-draenor (evo), Zangler-draenor (dru), planning to switch main into Sienitrippi-draenor
    Main Character Class: S1 druid/evoker, S2 Shaman/whatever is FOTM

    Main Specialization: Comfortable and experienced in all current heal specs (no monk)
    Off Specialization: Also confortable to switch to DD on whichever class I’m playing.

    Screenshot of your UI:
    Warcraft Logs Link: (Didnt raid M in vault) (My disc when did CE in Nathria) (Hpala when CE in Eternal palace)
    Also if you take into account classic logs:
    Previous PvE Experience:
    Started raiding back in Legion, nothing special AOTC every tier. Because of studies was only able to raid full tiers here and there. Got CE from Dazar alor, Eternal palace and Castle Nathria. And due to the busy schedule, M+ fitted me better. Through m+ and playing FOTM every season gave me strong understanding of each classes abilities and rotations and damage intake patterns. Im altoholic, usually playing around with 2-4 characters (tank,heal,mdps,rdps – done em all) In season 1 of DF, played mostly m+ with 1-2 friends, pushed a bit and did mythic 2 bosses on a weekly basis.
    History of Previous Guilds:
    Dazar alor was with more casual guild and said guild switched back to AOTC after the tier. Went into the best Finnish guild at the time Korruptio for EP. After EP progress was done, ppl were kinda burned out and the guild half disbanded. Switched to play classic at the time. I’m still in the guild that I joined at the start of TBC classic and raiding with them actively (naturally different raid days that wont interfere with retail). At the start of shadowlands, had the opportunity to push harder on retail and joined Whispers of ambition (nowadays Cucumber “:D”) and co-raidlead Nathria and got CE relatively fast even tho we had to cancel raids due to ppl absent. ALSO raided classic with another guild from TBC to Ulduar.
    Why did you leave them?:
    I’m still in Cucumber as social, cant raid with them due to conflicting raid days of my classic guild. Sadly the other clasic guild (<OG>) disbanded late April -23 due to ppl burning out of raidlogging.
    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
    Me and Jauletz from the disbanded guild OG have free raid days now to spare and are keen again to pushing some retail. We went into raiderio and started scrolling trough (reqs. 8/8 in reasonable timeframe and raiddays that fit us)
    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
    Chill environment with likeminded (and skilled) ppl who want to push together. Not omega-hardcore-tryhard-mentality or overthinking. If we get accepted we expect to find new friends and a fun place to enjoy the game together.
    What can you bring to the team?:
    I consider myself as a laidback intellectual with good sense of humour and banter. Insane game knowledge, ask me anything about any classes CDs/rotational abilities and I will be embarassed if I dont know it (and spend the next 30mins studying it). I’m vocal and able to co-ordinate well with other people. Going trough logs and finding opportunities to improve and find places to min-max (for me or the raid) are my #1 after-raid past-time during progress (sadly ending in sleepless nights occasionally).
    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
    You might be wondering: Shiiit, why would we want to take a dude with so hectic IRL schedule he previously told us? I graduated from uni (doctor) a year ago and now on vacation untill beginning of July. I have plenty of time to raid and farm the living shit out the character im opting to play. About my attendance, I’ve missed one raid in 5 months in the classic guild im still playing and I can promise that here too.
    Anything else you would like to add?:
    About the spec. As im a heavily invested m+ player and find my fun from there I’d like to main resto shaman. BUT if it’s needed I can flex any spec needed as I have experience from em all. Also Jauletz is a good buddy of mine and would be lovely to to be able to join you.

    Avatar photoJoakim K.
    Post count: 205

    If you wanna take a gander at some old gameplay footage: Sire kill from Nathria.

    Avatar photoEadrom
    Post count: 48

    Hey Sienitrippi,

    Thanks for your application, we really appeciate the detail. We’ll discuss internally and get back to you!

    Avatar photoBiffen
    Post count: 116

    Hey Sienitrippi,

    Thank you again for the application, and showing an interest in our guild.
    We’ve discussed internally, and unfortunately we are not currently looking for a new healer,
    and on top of that we’re also very wary of letting groups join our guild.

    We will have to decline your applications, and wish you both good luck in finding a new guild.

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