Qyriell | Simon
Keymaster4 January 2022 at 12:05Post count: 116Cheers lovely reader!
Welcome to my application, I hope you’re well.Like you wrote in your WoWProgress text: “If you want a place to call home again, after years of wandering around the world (of Warcraft) […] look no more.” This is what I deeply desire to find. I have felt so seen, reading your vast WoWProgress text. So let me take this chance to introduce myself.
Name / Alias:
SimonCountry of Origin:
31Main Character Name:
QyriellMain Character Class:
PriestMain Specialization:
HolyOff Specialization:
DiscScreenshot of your UI:
Warcraft Logs Link:
Nathria https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/argentdawn/qyriell#zone=26
SoD https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/argentdawn/qyriellPrevious PvE Experience:
2009: WotLK Ulduar PTR Progression & 3.0 content farm with World Top 100 Guild Utopie-Blackrock.
2021: 8/10 CN & 9/10 SoD on MythicHistory of Previous Guilds:
TooLongAgoForgotNames-GermanServer (3.0)
Utopie-Blackrock (3.0 & 3.1 PTR)
Simulacrum-Blackmoore (9.0)
LastStand-Blackrock (9.0)
Globa-Thrall (9.1)
Lifeboat-ArgentDawn (9.1)
Wiped-Nozdormu (9.1.5)Why did you leave them?:
TooLongAgoForgotNames-GermanServer (3.0): Moved out of my parent’s place and started raiding with my Heal Priest. Quickly became a 10-man-raid lead and learned that I’m too motivated for a casual guild.Utopie-Blackrock (3.0 & 3.1 PTR): Got accepted to a World Top 100 Guild during Naxx farm & Ulduar PTR. Loved the dedication the players and leaders showed. I however left after 1 month for 2 reaswons: One, the raid leader was a toxic and choleric asshole, but I think many raid leaders back then were like that. Second, I couldn’t accept the 6 days/week raid schedule. So I had to leave and since I didn’t want to go back to low-level-raiding, I stopped playing altogether.
Simulacrum-Blackmoore (9.0): They took me as a returning player with 0 logs. I learned that raiding is insanely fun now and that I still love Holy Priest. Also tested out Discipline for the first time. Like in 2008, I learned that this guild’s ambitions are too casual for me.
So my journey to find a fitting guild, began.
LastStand-Blackrock (9.0): Got accepted as Holy Priest for now, but they wanted me to play Discipline, latest by 9.1. As I didnt like Disc at that time, I decided to leave the guild when 9.1 arrives and do a little WoW break to reflect: Do I want to stick to Priest, but learn to main & master the difficult Disc spec – or do I switch to Resto Shaman which is also fun, but I don’t feel the class/race fantasy too much?
Globa-Thrall (9.1): Decided to return as a Holy Priest main and was happy to find a new home. Unfortunately, there were 3 raids cancelled in 2 weeks in September and it felt like the raid was dying. This is what I’ve already experienced with Simulacrum-Blackmoore and I didn’t want to repeat history. So, as I was super hungry for experience and raiding fun, I quickly decided to find a new home that is actively raiding.
Lifeboat-ArgentDawn (9.1): I used this opportunity to finally try out an RP server, as I’ve only made wonderful experiences on RP servers with twinks and characters on Classic servers. Very fun guild that was socially super active, which I LOVED. Raiding, M+, other fun games outside of WoW. But unfortunately this raiding guild sooner or later died out and I had to move on.
Wiped-Nozdormu (9.1.5): Luckily I arrived at my current guild that is still active! I greatly appreciate that they let me start learning some more Discipline Priest on progress, a safe space and a good learning environment. Even though they are an active raidig guild, outside of raids there isn’t much happening. There are 1-2 exclusive smaller groups that run M+ together, but it’s no active community like I’ve seen it in previous guilds for just hanging out and playing together. Also, their progress is slower than I want it to. So I already communicated with the guild that I’m looking for a new home, but I’m luckily allowed to continue progress raiding until the end of 9.2 if I want to.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
I do own a little liquor company with friends and I’m the guy that also takes care of sales, administration and finance stuff. Spreadsheets help me out LOTS in my work – I love them. So I also started creating a big spreadsheet for my quest of finding my WoW home. And you landed on it with the very important “RP” tag, being a world top <1000 guild, and a comment in column J stating “They make a big effort! I like them”. Congratulations on that. :) I found you via WoWProgress, while I was scouting for successful and likeable RP progress guilds. I was veeeery happy to read your vast WoWProgress description!Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
– High performing + Communicative
I am looking for a very well performing guild that has come that far because they are good in communication. A guild where people talk to each other in raids to improve progress strategy and spotting errors quickly, and also a guild that is good in communication outside of raids so that I easily can find peers to play M+ or do other shenanigans with in WoW. Looking at how you present yourself on WoWProgress – the depth and professionality of your text – plus listening to your comms in certain kill videos – I have a feeling that you folks are what I am looking for.
– Playing with friends
Also, like I wrote in the introduction, I am looking for a HOME. Not just a raiding spot. I would love to wander around the World of Warcraft with friends. And when WoW’s content is in too much of a draught, I would love to have friends from this guild to play other (mini)games with!What can you bring to the team?:
A highly motivated healer that has a big passion for WoW Mythic Raiding. I’m very open to talking about mistakes and points of improvements within raids – not shy with my mic at all. I’m also open to learn something new (like discipline spec) if the raid benefits. Even though I love raiding and playing a lot, I understand that a boss may require a certain composition. I’m open to join the healer ranks with a different character then – for example my resto shaman. I also love to get to know my guildies and do things with them together: So with me, you will have a guildie that contributes to a living guild atmosphere.Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
Never had any issues with availability. I’m always there for raids and I love hanging out within the guild comms right after raids to do something fun – and also go do something on non-raiding days.Anything else you would like to add?:
Would love to talk to you some more about your guild via coms. I’m curious to find out about how your guild is socially structured. Do people hangout after/outside of raids? Do people play M+? And many more :)I love to DJ techno/house music – sometimes I do even play it live on twitch! http://www.twitch.tv/sohomolive – check it out :)
Would love hearing back from ya!
Thanks for your time,
Simon | Qyriell -
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