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  • Avatar photoSwolorno
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Alex / Swolorno

    Country of Origin: Germany

    Age: 27

    Main Character Name: Swolorno
    Main Character Class: Hunter

    Main Specialization: MM
    Off Specialization: BM

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link: Hunter Aberrus Hunter VotI Devoker, mostly only heroic and m echo

    Previous PvE Experience:
    Aberrus – 8/9M – Student Council – 2 day
    VotI – CE WR 1043 – Student Council – 2 day

    History of Previous Guilds:
    Student Council

    Why did you leave them?:
    Currently still there (will be finishing tier with them), but looking for a more competitive raiding environment starting next tier. I’m somebody who enjoys pushing myself, so even though I love my current guild, I believe I’ve reached a point where I want to challenge myself further and see what I can achieve in a more competitive raiding scene.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
    I checked wowprogress for 2day raiding guilds and found you.

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
    I like that you’re a longstanding guild with a focus on fostering a drama-free and nice friendly community, while still keeping a competitive raiding environment. It’s important to me to have a community I enjoy being in outside of raid nights, and I think I might find that in your guild.

    What can you bring to the team?:
    My goal is to always be able to answer every question on the specs I play, and if not, find it out.
    Preparing for raid encounters is very important to me, and I know what information to look for. General boss guides, spec Povs, CD usage etc.
    I also highly value keeping my character “ahead of the curve”, be it via filling out my vault slots or whatever other power grinds there are.
    I’m a mentor in LWIW and always looking to help other people, whether there or in class discords.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
    Every raid night, and most evenings/nights the other days

    Anything else you would like to add?:
    Does this memeing count as a reference?

    Thanks for considering my application. Looking forward to possibly raiding with you guys!

    Avatar photoXethys
    Post count: 15

    Hello there,
    and thank you for applying to our guild. Unfortunately your application did not resonate with us and our goals as a guild and therefore I will have to decline it.

    Good luck finding a guild that suits your needs :)

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