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  • Avatar photoJack
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Jack

    Country of Origin: Austria

    Age: 30

    Main Character VOTI: Jackazzem | Prot Warrior (
    Main Character ATSC: Jackbrew | Brewmaster (
    Alt: Jackbear | Guardian (
    Alt: Jackblud | Blood DK (
    Alt: Jackpal | Prot Paladin (
    Alt: Jackdemon | Vengance DH (

    I’m willing and capable of playing any tank for progress. I play them all regularly in m+ to leave the gap to the raider’s gear level as minimal as possible if I need to jump to another toon for a specific encounter (f.e. Rallying Cry is needed, Bubble and Bop needed for Zskarn, better magical survivability at Experiments, or physical dmg like Broodkeeper). I prepare well in case I need to switch tanks and look at to see when to best time my defensives on tank mechanics / when to pop trinkets, and offensives best. The challenge of min-maxing both survivability and DPS is what keeps me engaged in playing tanks. Needless to say, I prioritize survivability over dps.

    Screenshot of your UI:


    Warcraft Logs Link: Attached above to each toon.

    Previous PvE Experience:
    Started during Vanilla (the early release of TBC), and from there on I raided:
    TBC: Karazhan, Gruul, Magtheridon, Eye of the Storm cleared as Shadow Priest. (Pugs)
    WOTLK: Naxxramas, Eye of Eternity, Vault of Archavon, Obsidian Sanctum cleared as Enhancer. (Guildname I forgot)
    MOP: Throne of Thunder (+ Ra-den!), Siege of Orgrimmar CE – as Warrior. (Friends Guild ‘Elo Hell’ and ‘Last Resort’)
    WOD: Highmaul, Blackrock Foundry, as Warrior. (Last Resort wanted me to reroll to Monk at the time, and I didn’t, so I joined another guild, did another tier, and quit eventually)
    DF: VOTI 7/8, ATSC 4/9 (Rashok 6%) (Came back to Mythic Raiding in DF, playing all tanks, after a break due to Master’s degree + working full-time).

    History of Previous Guilds:
    TBC: Pugging
    WOTLK: Can’t remember the guild name.
    MOP: Elo Hell + Last Resort
    WOD: Last Resort + Another Guild name that I forgot.
    DF: Pugging, Outzydaz (Disbanded – officer team), So much discussion

    Why did you leave them?:
    During MoP (Elo Hell – Friends Guild, I was part of the officer team), our other tank left during Siegecrafter Blackfuse’s progress (what a fight!), and we struggled to find a good replacement for several weeks, so the guild disbanded and I joined Last Resort, together with my Brother. I believed we raided WR 250 or 300 at that time.

    During early WoD I left because they urged me to play monk, and I didn’t want to back then. I was also quite young at that time, so kinda opinionated. I quit after the following tier to pursue my master’s and work full-time, as I both got accepted to university and found a good-paying job at that time. Lucky me!

    I returned to Dragonflight with the goal to raid CE, and eventually pushing for WR with the right amount of investment (I’m not a fan of 4-day raiding, and not even being competitive with 2-day raiding guilds. Quality matters, quantity does not most of the time.). I struggled to find a guild that would take on a tank without SL logs. The one I joined during VOTI progress disbanded at the release of Aberrus, as a few raiders left (because we didn’t make CE) and the officer team got in a fight – it became ugly very quickly. The guild still exists, but 90% of the guild is different now. In the midst of all this, I left among a few others, and, as though as it is to find a guild during progress, I found a spot in my current guild (So much Discussion).

    Now you’re wondering why I want to leave right now. It’s simple. I do expect people to come prepared for raids. This includes simming gear, and optimizing as much as possible. Reading guides, reading logs, seeing what makes sense and what doesn’t. It also includes looking at logs past raid and seeing what you, yourself, can do better (pull your own weight first!). That’s not what’s happening at all. On top of that, I’m genuinely unhappy with the raid leading. People constantly talk over each other during pulls, and discuss what’s wrong after each pull (people who are not officers or raidleader). It’s neither enjoyable nor helping progress – and it doesn’t change after having it addressed. I’m not in a rush, as I’ve learned from this that I want to look properly for my (hopefully long-term) home to raid and push WRs. But I do have to emphasize how much the description on wowprogress resonated with what I do see fun in the game, and what I value.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
    I found y’all on wowprogress.

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
    I liked the description on wowprogress. To specify what resonated with me:
    – You have a lot of experience leading this guild and the raid. I don’t need to have doubts whether we raid tonight, you put a strategy in place, or you are able to deal with setbacks as a guild (like 3 core raiders leaving all of a sudden or something).
    – You played PvP. I’m biased as I tend to think former PvP players are (much) better all-around players, as they try to use all their toolkits the specc has to offer. I played rshaman on a duelist level myself – so you can tell where the bias is coming from. Huge respect for gladiator people – that’s incredible.
    – ‘You are an all-around mature person who respects the fact that although this is just a game, you are playing with real people who invest time and effort to make sure we all have a good home in World of warcraft.’ This! I’ve seen too much toxicity, discrimination, and hate in this game, and I can’t be arsed with it anymore. My genuine feelings. I like to be inclusive, and respectful, listen while others talk, and bring a level of human decency to every conversation.

    What can you bring to the team?:
    – Communication: During raid I like to be succinct, but communicative. This includes voicing how to position boss, calling externals, or helping adjust raid cooldowns (f.e. when I’m playing Prot warrior and I see my rallying cry is useless in a situation I was asked to pop it, I’ll voice that like ‘Don’t you think there’s a better place for my Rallying. I don’t see the group dropping health a lot there?’)
    – Ownership: I like (to take on) responsibility, that’s when I thrive. I do it at work, at home, during the game. It’s what’s fulfilling to me. When something is not working out, I take it upon myself first to find out and own it.
    – Feedback: I’m naturally very keen on both positive and negative feedback. I like to improve, and even though I look at Lorgs, Logs, and PoVs to learn and improve, sometimes I learned a lot from other people. And I embrace it and see if it works for me.
    – Progress-oriented mindset: Things that work on farm, won’t work on progress, and vice versa. I do believe, progress is what matters most, though. I’m willing what it takes to take down bosses. That could mean switching to another tank, putting on defensive trinkets so our heals can focus on the raid, or playing a different build because it helps the team.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
    I aim to be available 100% (and I haven’t missed a raid during Dragonflight so far), however, I do have to say, I might have to miss 1 week of raiding during August, as I’m getting married.

    Anything else you would like to add?:
    Maybe you can tell from my writing, but I’m an honest person. I like to say what I think, and others treat me the same way. If I fuck up during raids, I’ll say ‘Sorry, I fucked up. I did XYZ. Won’t happen again!’. Albeit I always try to minimize my mistakes, I do work myself, I am tired sometimes myself. So, being brutally honest, of course, I make mistakes as well. Happens, but I try to learn from it – always.

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