Guest14 October 2022 at 11:59Post count: 205Name / Alias: Mary
Country of Origin: Germany
Age: 32
Main Character Name: Sugarbelle
Main Character Class: MonkMain Specialization: Mistweaver
Off Specialization: hahahaha… you don’t wanna see that but it’s WindwalkerScreenshot of your UI: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1592721985
Warcraft Logs Link: I’ve played different healers so here are the Links for the contents with the associated healer:
CN: https://de.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/ravencrest/pepperbelle#zone=26&partition=2
SOD: https://de.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/blackmoore/sugarbelle#partition=2
SFO: https://de.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/blackhand/rar%c3%adty#zone=29 (not my best time but I hate priest ^^)
Fated: https://de.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/ravencrest/pepperbellePrevious PvE Experience, History of Previous Guilds, Why did you leave them?: (sorry for the wall of text but I like coherent texts and think it sums up everything very well)
I startet playing WoW when WotLK was released and made amazing progress there. I got the “Death’s Demise” Title and ended up at “Die Schwingen des Phoenix”, raided 7 days/week and killed the LK on a pretty good rank (I don’t know which one but it was < #100). For a very stupid reason (love) I left them and my “semi hardcore” life began. I were in a few different guilds, found my home in “Urgut” but with the beginning of Legion they disbanded and I quitted WoW. I was clean, had a RL, everything was fine until WoW Classic came out. Since that time I’m addicted again and when Classic became boring I switched to Retail. That was when Ny’alotha was already running and I had to start from 0. Don’t think you can count my progress in BFA, since I don’t even killed N’Zoth.
For Shadowlands I found my new home in the guild “Elex”. I loved it there, the healer team was amazing and I would probably still be there if the leader didn’t became such an asshole and ruined everything. A few days before the start of SFO I needed to search for a new raid and found one at “Amazing Stories”. As I didn’t like them from the start, I set myself on looking for guild immidiately and a few weeks later Doctorio from “Habibi” offerd me a spot in his guild. I cleared SFO with them and then decided to reduce my raid times as my job became more and more stressfull. When they found a replacement for me I left them and ended up at “Qualify”. The first raids were good and I like the people but the leadership changed including the raidleader and even if he is a super nice person, he is too nice for leading. We haven’t killed a single Endboss and we’ve tried a lot. I know a lot of people are doing a break and a lot new people joined but thats no reason (in my opinion) to suck so hard.
I told them last week I’ll leave them, so they have enough time to find a replacement aaaand here I am ^^’
In summary its for Shadowlands:
CN – Elex – 973
SOD – Elex – 646
SFO – Habibi – 291
S4 – Qualify – … don’t askHow did you find out about Violent Circus?: I was a bit bored during work (happens not so often but it does) and even though I decided that I don’t need a new guild, I was scrolling at WoWProgress and found you. Your Bottomline hit me right in the heart.
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: I feel like a stray dog, always looking for a safe place and some food. Nothing really fit’s since “Urgut”, I thought “Elex” could be my new home but I was wrong. I want people to reach CE with and have fun in M+ or other games. I want to know the name of everyone and know them by their voices.
What can you bring to the team?: As a multiclass healer I am always a good choice. I have a 100% attendance and I’m always there for helping my mates.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.): Everyday from 14:00 – 23:00, probably longer at the weekends, probably not at the weekends ^^’ Mostly depends on the weather.
Anything else you would like to add?: Wine is better than beer, the word “einzigste” doesn’t exist, Pugs are the best dogs!
Hi Mary, you applied to us not too long ago here: https://www.violentcircus.com/topic/multiclass-healer/
We haven’t changed our mind in the outcome.GL looking for a new guild
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