Guest31 August 2022 at 22:13Post count: 205Name / Alias: Sal
Country of Origin: Bahrain, Move back and forth between London/UK and the middle east
Main Character Name: Salya
Main Character Class: MonkMain Specialization: Mistweaver
Off Specialization: Have played some windwalker but not in a raiding setting.Screenshot of your UI: https://imgur.com/a/UVrosyt
Warcraft Logs Link: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/7895416#zone=26&partition=4
Previous PvE Experience: {Raiding} I started playing endgame WoW at the end of Nya’Lotha so my first mythic raiding tier was Castle Nathria in shadowlands. Spent most of the first season understanding how guilds worked and actually found my guild on trade chat and managed to get 9/10M with them before swapping to a horde guild for Sanctum. I was unaware of sites like wow progress till after Nathria, and managed to find a guild going for CE in sanctum on wowprogress. I made the swap mainly because I was playing priest and my current guild did not want me to play mistweaver, it was hard finding a guild with no raid logs on my monk but managed to get recruited mainly off of rio score. Managed to get my first CE that tier with decent logs and wanted to return to alliance for Sepulcher. With logs and more raiding experience it was much easier to find a guild luckily. Sepulcher was a rough tier and the guild I joined disbanded on Jailer progress due to burnout and roster issues, the previous gm left after Anduin and officer took charge but it Didn’t last very long. Managed to find a guild needing a healer temporarily as their monk was away for Jailer and joined them achieve my CE, would’ve been famed if I joined the guild but no title for me sadly. (apologies if this was to lengthy)
{Mythic+} Ever since starting WoW I always enjoyed M+. I was unaware that there was a certain meta that was followed at the start and just played what I enjoyed. Playing mistweaver for this expansion for M+ was definitley a journey however I stuck with it and achieved some rankings along the way mostly by pugging as finding a premade off meta was practically impossible.
S1 world 7 MW Monk
S2 world 29 MW Monk (took a break from keys this tier)
S3 world 7 MW MonkHistory of Previous Guilds:
Grey Parse-Silvermoon (9/10 Castle Nathria)
Lost Boys- Tarren Mill (10/10 SoD)
Operation Cupcake- Frostmane (10/11 SotFO) got the Jailer kill with The Shining Dawn-Quel’Thalas
Deus Ex-Frostmane (s4 Fated)Why did you leave them?:
-Left Grey Parse because I wasn’t guaranteed a spot on the roster if I swapped from priest to mistweaver.
-Left Lost Boys because I wanted to move back to alliance mainly, and the guild wasn’t challenging me enough to push myself further and get better at raiding.
-Operation cupcake had a strong roster of players and made some great connections over there. There were some issues going on with officers/gm and eventually led to a disband on Jailer.
-Joined Deus Ex because it was the best option on the current server im in without having to transfer for season 4. Honestly the environment wasn’t the best and it didnt seem like a good fit for me moving forward.How did you find out about Violent Circus?: Found you on WoW Progress
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
Reading the WoW progress page, the last paragraph really resonated with me. It feels like I’ve been wandering around looking for somewhere to call home since starting my journey. I also would prefer to raid 2 days rather then the 3 day schedules the previous 2 guilds I was in followed.What can you bring to the team?:
As a player I’ve been a dedicated mistweaver main this whole expansion and am very active in the community keeping updated on changes to my class and how to optimize my playstyle, I also value other peoples time and like being prepared. As a person I’m generally relaxed, try and bring a positive vibe, and love the game outside of endgame content, Im a lore junkie with a love for cute pets and tmog farming.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.): I’m pretty flexible and have a lot of spare time at the moment.
Anything else you would like to add?:
Applying to guild with a strong tight knit community is slightly intimidating for me especially since being on the newer end but I hope should this get accepted to be a great team player with an uplifting aura for my fellow guildmates! -
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