Guest1 March 2024 at 20:27Post count: 205Name / Alias:
CemCountry of Origin:
Main Character Name:
Main Character Class:
Death KnightMain Specialization:
Blood DKOff Specialization:
Playing all tank classes. I am only tank player, can pick any tank class depending on the raid needs for specific fights.Screenshot of your UI:
https://prnt.sc/wzz5u6nfB86pWarcraft Logs Link:
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/twisting-nether/cemdecayPrevious PvE Experience:
Below I put multi chars that I used on first kills, as I said,depending on the fight e.g: on Mechatorque I used blood dk for grips, stormwallblockade DK was insane for soaks, rest of the fights I played monk cuz overall monk was stronger etc.
The Reckless- Twisting Nether ( 3days)
Nighthold WR-377 Druid TankWithout a Trace-Twisting Nether (3days)
ToS WR-184 Druid Tank+ Blood DK
Argus WR-194 Monk+druid tankDisposition-Stormscale (3days)
Uldir WR-165 Monk Tank
The Next Step-Twisting Nether (3days)
BoD WR-169 – Monk Tank+ Dk Tank
Crucible of storms WR-97- Monk TankMalorum-Twisting Nether (2days) Reform guild started on nyalotha
Nyalotha-WR 1265 ( reform) Monk tank
CN-WR 724 Monk + DK
Sanctum-WR 544- monk+dk
Sepulcher-( talked with GM from the start, and gotta take a break due to irl after I kill Mythic anduin)
VoTW-WR 483 Prot warr
Aberrus (took a break again due to marriage period, havent progged that tier, but killed all on farm later)OG Feedback ( 2 days)
Amirdrassil -WR 500
Monk+ blood dk+ prot paladin.History of Previous Guilds:
I kinda shortly explained above some things. However I ll make more detailed explanations now.The Reckless was my first international guild ( before that I played only casually on Turkish guilds, havent raided mythic, I started raiding mythic on late emerald nightmare / nighthold ). I kinda got used to play with international guilds in this guild. IT was my first serious mythic raiding experience. After emerald nightmare farm+ full nighthold progression, I decided to leave them , it wasnt anything in bad terms, it was just I kind felt more potential in myself, I was failing really really rare and the guild wasnt that focused in my opinion. YOu know it was my hyped times and I wanted to push WR’s.
Therefore I decided to go with Without A trace-Twisting Nether , this guild is around 150-200 WR more in avg comparing to The Reckless, I played with them 2 tiers got rank 180s for 2 tiers, then I left them after 2 tiers and went The Next Step, even better progression guild. Again nothing bad in terms, just wanted to push more, developed myself etc.
The Next Step I played 2 tiers again WR 165 and 95, and then I stopped. It was my last years in uni and I have to pass the exams you know. I havent raided eternal palace at all then I back raiding for nyalotha.
After this point, I went full 2 days guild, cuz I didnt want to commit more than 2 days a week for raiding both due to my interest was less to pushing WR’s (maybe my hype was lowered idk) and also I didnt have that much time anymore to do 3 days raiding.
I joined Malorum and stayed there for 2-3 years without a break until I get into marriage things. In turkey unfortunately these things are considered as more serious business sometimes and preperations took some time for me xD
At the end of one tier that is sylvanas 20% progression, I have to go for 1 month obligatory military service ( communicated with gm about this at the beginning of tier tho, so everything was fine with me being absent , we even could kill the boss before I go, but failed a bit on somedays to prog better, I had to go to military when we were at 20%)
For Amirdrassil Malorum decided to go 3 days, thats why I have to stop raiding there, then I found OG feedback with the vouching of Malorum’s GM. Last tier I raided with them from the beginning to the end got WR500.Why did you leave them?:
Above, I explained most of my reasonings. At the start of my mythic raiding carreer, I left guilds just because to push better WR’s sticking 3 days. I started WR-350-400 3 days and pushed to WR 95 in time.
And after some point, again mentioned above, I started raiding 2days,( Malorum was my first 2days raiding guild) and then swapped only once after 3 years to OG feedback since Malorum started doing 3days. Now currently we killed fyrakk last week and they instantly stopped raiding until the start of next expansion which is 7-8 months later ( septemberish). I wanna keep playing and raiding on farms+fated. Wow is like life and hobby for me, cant do without it.How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
I found this guild from wowprogress while checking that needs a tank as a 2 days raiding guild. I have read your bio and really liked it since I am also a really chill guy, got pretty decent raiding exp as a tank, played in international guilds just like your environment.Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
I think I can really fit into your guild because my profile and guild profile really meets in the middle. I always played in a guilds like this environment and experience wise. I have really rare fails in raids and I always come prepped and know my shit. Above, you see twice I had to took a break due to irl, but know I did my military service, I am married, I am working as an engineer in a big company, that means I am settled as fuck for 1.5 years now.
What can you bring to the team?:
I can bring really consistent and solid tanknig for you, can give ideas and provide inputs for strats (at least tank parts). Can play all tank classes depending on the need of the guild. I demand nothing from the guild, I just want a stable raid environment that I can raid without breaks now. ( ofc pre expansion breaks for short times in summer is acceptable for me )I put my fyrakk mythic kill POV, uploaded it on youtube for you if you wanna see how I am playing in raids.
One more small log to add my consistency and really low amount of fail count.( 311 pulls fyrakk, 3deaths only from my side, and those are probably really because my guild raided until 12 pm which is 2 AM for me Turkey time, 8-11PM is totally fine for me.)
Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
At the start of the tier, I can play every night to put my shit together and get max gear asap. After e verything settles, I kinda only do weekly requirements and raid log since Iam working 5 days a week during the day.Anything else you would like to add?
I think I explained myself very good above. Hope you find my application well.
Hi Cem,
Thanks so much for your application. While your tanking experience is very impressive, after discussing the application internally, we have unfortunately decided that we would not be a good fit for each other.
We wish you the best of luck finding a new guild that fits your needs.
Best wishes,
Cyne -
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