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  • Avatar photoAlex
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Dwarfirl/Evnii

    Country of Origin:UK


    Main Character Name: Currently Evnii, Want to play my warrior Dwarfirl tho
    Main Character Class: Paladin

    Main Specialization: Prot
    Off Specialization: Ret / If i ever get fyralath on warrior i can arms too.

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience: Played since vanilla doing almost all raid content apart from cataclysm (skipped it cuz priest wasnt fixed for like 3 months and i got bored). My highest level was in MoP world top 16, since then having CE in antorus. I then for real life commitments took a break from major raiding and just focused on pushing m+ on every tank and some healers achieving some top 10 server spots. I have finally settled with my wife n kid got my PC setup just perfect in the bedroom and have been looking to start pushing raid content fully once again. It has been hard to join guilds so late as most no longer need tank players however, I feel I’ve done a decent job catching up on the content before going into TWW, getting 9/9 mythic amiderassil and thus far in awakened achieving all full hc cleared and 3/9 mythic VOTI, 7/9 mythic abberus and 3/9 ammid mythic thus far.

    History of Previous Guilds: My top 16 was with “Surge” a guild that i believe merged into rapid eyemovement and method a while after i left. Since then a couple german guilds in antorus for CE “mojo and unique” (no i dont speak german, they liked my tanking in a pug and asked me to join and taught me basics of german language for raiding I,E markers, Taunt, swap etc). In this expansion its been mostly random in and outs on different characters.

    Why did you leave them?: Left surge to real life + burn out (Siege of orgrimmar i think was the longest content draught so it was like 14 months of raiding 45 mins a week and having nothing to do) the german guilds eventually disbanded. Everything else just usually leaving of my own accord due to not enjoying the atmosphere (toxicity/people who only log for raid then dead guild all week) or disbands.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: Multiple things; your guilds about section in i really liked the overall attitude you guys represent, along with the bottom paragraph about “Bottomline, if you want a place to call home again, after years of wandering around the world (of Warcraft) never quite fitting in anywhere and sometimes doubting good guilds like there used to be in the old days still exist, look no more . We can be all that and more for you.” This is something ive been looking for, whether its as a tank a dps even if a guild asked me to reroll healer. What im looking for is a good community vibe with a passion for m+/raiding and what i get to play in the end is kind of irrelevant to me im always willing to work with a team and change tank or role entirely to fit the content or the dynamic. Also your website and artwork on the homepage impressed me its been a while since ive seen an oldschool guild website that looks well presented and cared for.

    What can you bring to the team?:I used to be a professional coach in heroes of the storm and a little bit in wow, so i feel im good at adapting, looking up information and taking criticism which i think are all important traits to have as a raider. I also can bring a wide variety of class knowledge for the tank role and a little as ret paladin n arms warrior.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):Err day baybee

    Anything else you would like to add?: If you guys had any questions I didnt cover or just want more details on some of the stuff I did, I have added and talked to Eadrom on discord but feel free to contant me there Tiny#1057 or Fabulous#21234 (Bnet). Look forward to hearing back.

    Avatar photoEadrom
    Post count: 48

    Hi Evnii,

    Thanks a lot for your application. Unfortunately having discussed it, we have decided to decline you. While you seem to have a strong history, we feel your recent experience is not enough for us to feel comfortable taking you on board.

    Best of luck finding a guild.

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