Guest17 September 2022 at 16:32Post count: 205Name / Alias: Bob
Country of Origin: Germany
Age: ??
Main Character Name: Eshára
Main Character Class: PriestMain Specialization: Holy
Off Specialization: DisciplineScreenshot of your UI: https://imgur.com/a/C6xfPkO
Warcraft Logs Link: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/blackmoore/Esh%C3%A1ra
Previous PvE Experience:
My WoW journey started 2007 with the same priest I am applying to you now. When WotLK was about to drop (but BC was still the current expac) I didn’t do much of stuff because I didn’t even had a character at max level. With WotLK going live I started playing in a low tier guild for Naxx and then quickly found my passion for the more competitive part of the game and switched to the Realm Rank 3 Guild on Dun Morogh called Pantheon. I raided there with my best friend and after some time it was time to part ways, since he had the chance to switch to the Server 1 Guild Otherside, whereas I decided to join Endgegner (Rank 2) because Otherside didn´t have a Priest spot at the time. Later, as the chance was there to reunion with my best friend, I joined Otherside as well. We were able to get all major achievments of the expac done (Alone in the Darkness, The Undying/Immortal, etc…).After the release of Cataclysm I took a long break and came back to WoD where I had to realize my account got hacked from China in my absence. Restoring all the stuff after a few years didn’t go quite well, and I lost some achievements and also all my gold I had left on my account. In WoD I just raided the first tier casually and left the game again. I came back in S2 of Bfa. In my first season I just set foot to Heroic raids and was then introduced to the Mythic+ system by my girlfriend. That changed everything. Even though I didn’t like it at first, I later fell in love with the competitive side of the game again. In S3 I joined “Pink Pony Death Squad” on Blackrock and set foot into Mythic raiding. By that time I was playing Restoration Druid and Holy Paladin (6/8M eternal palace). Towards the end of the expansion I got the chance to join the guild of an RL friend which is called Alteracs Legacy (Blackmoore). I am in this guild to this day. I joined them when they recleared Nyalotha, reprogressed Carapace and N’Zoth with them and went into the new Expac with the guild. When Shadowlands started, I took the chance to reroll to my good old priest again. I played Disc priest in S1 and we got CE in CN. In S2, I had to take a short break after we killed 4 Mythic bosses (I was switching my job and had to get some RL things done), but then came back late in the tier to kill 9/10 Mythic in the reclears on my windwalker monk (they replaced my heal spot at that time). In S3 they wanted me on my healer again (frist weeks restoration shaman, then back to priest) and we killed 8/11m. That was the point where things started going in a direction I didn’t like. When I was benched for 2 raids I had the chance to take a look at the Jailer Mythic fight. I was asked by a guild that originally wanted to recruit me, but they had way too much raid days for me personally.
History of Previous Guilds:
Pantheon – Dun Morogh (WOTLK)
Endgegner – Dun Morogh (WOTLK)
Otherside – Dun Morogh (WOTLK)
Pink Pony Death Squad – Blackrock (BFA)
Alteracs Legacy – Blackmoore (BFA – SL)Why did you leave them?:
I did not leave the guild yet. I am still in it and also still active in the raid. The reason I have been here so long is that I do really like the people. We often hang out in Discord and have good evenings and nights together. However, in the last months, things are going into a direction that I do not like personally. I don´t want to be too detailed on here, but one can say that I do not like how different things inside and outside the raid are being managed. In addition to that, I am striving for higher achievements in the game than I was 2 years ago.How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
I found you guys on wow progress.Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
I do believe that you have some very talented players being able to hold up a 2(+) days raid routine on that level of raiding. If I would join the guild I would wish that this continues to go as well as it seemed to have worked in the past. To make this work I do expect a very well organized guild, but also a very family like environment based on your description.What can you bring to the team?:
I bring a good understanding of the game, I am always well-prepared and a team player. Unlike many other healers, HPS is not the most important thing for me. I do not overheal blood dk´s, that obiously don´t need it, to push my meters (but do damage instead). I put my logs in the back, the main thing for me is to manage the raid together as a team and to continue to progress.Availability (How often are you available, etc.):
Every day if I know soon enough.Anything else you would like to add?:
As many others, I do also have a real life, including a job and a girlfriend. That said, I want to use my time somewhat efficient. For that reason, as you can also guess from my text above, I do tend to choose my healing class after what is currently Meta in Mythic+. I am absolutely able to maintain a 2nd character on a competitive gear level, however, if I can choose, I want to raid and do M+ with one character. Since I spend way more time doing Mythic+ dungeons than doing any other content in the game, I hope that is understandable, and I want you to know that this might lead to me not playing Priest in one of the upcoming seasons. At least not as my main character.Thank you for the application, Bob.
We’ll have a look and discuss, and get back you as soon as we can :)Hi again, Bob.
You seem like a nice person and we appreciate the effort put into this application,
but we are unfortunately looking for someone with a little more experience.We therefore have to decline your application, and wish you lots of luck in your continued search!
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