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  • Avatar photoKevin
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias:
    Kevin Rehrl

    Country of Origin:


    Main Character Name:

    Main Character Class:
    Was main VENG DH for first 6 bosses and rerolled for last 2. Raid needed it.

    Main Specialization:
    All 6 Tanks

    Off Specialization:
    Restro Druid

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience:
    8.1 First few Mythic Bosses
    8.2 CE WR 380~ Brewmaster
    8.3 Pugged till Mythic Nzoth Prot/Holy Pala
    9.0 Pugged till Mythic Sire Warlock/Prot Paladin
    9.1 Pugged till Mythic Sylvanas Prot Paladin
    9.2 CE wr 340~ Holy Priest/Pala
    10.0 CE wr 400~ Guadrian Druid (needed Root and Buff this Evening)
    10.1 CE wr 360~ Prot Paladin (needed for Sarka)
    10.2 CE wr 300~ Blood DK (needed for last 2)

    History of Previous Guilds:
    Trialed for Honolulu in the last 2 Months. Sadly a lot of RL stuff happened. Got diagnosed with early lung cancer and had to go to hospital for 2 weeks with shit setup and internet and playing under heavy medication was not too good as well :D.

    This was my setup:

    Why did you leave them?:
    The Performance under this circumstances was not enough to stand trial in a guild that wants to get back to wr 20-50.
    Lung cancer is kinda ok now they found it super early so there is not to much risk for future content.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
    I found your WoW Progress Page.

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
    After 10.1 i wanted to give it a shot to apply at top guilds (wr 20-50) and full commit. But i think this is not the thing i want to do for the next years. I want to find a guild where i vibe with the people and have fun while killing bosses asap.
    Where i can be discord even outside of raidtimes and m+ keys.

    What can you bring to the team?:
    I bring a very professional Mindset and a lot of preparation for new content. I will join PTR testing with Honolulu (unless you have your own PTR Test Raid) and can help a lot in terms of raidlead and prep. I can raidlead myself if needed and call out things.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
    I am in full home office since 5 years now with flexible work time. Give me a day and time and i will be there. Friday is sus since its the holy day of Beer.

    Anything else you would like to add?:
    I hope i get a chance to show that i can be a productive part of this guild :)
    Thx in advance for reading this have a good day.

    Avatar photoBiffen
    Post count: 116

    Hello Kevin,

    Thank you for showing an interest in our guild again. We’ve discussed your application internally,
    and unfortunately we’ve decided to decline, on the basis that we don’t think we’re a good fit for each other.

    We wish you a swift and complete recovery, and best of luck with finding a more suitable guild!

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