Name / Alias:
Country of Origin:Tunisia
Main Character Name:Fawspin
Main Character Class:Monk
Main Specialization: Mistweaver
Off Specialization:Winwdalker&Brewmaster.
Screenshot of your UI: (UI changed over the seasons)
Warcraft Logs Link:
Previous PvE Experience: Been a cutting edge player since Season 2 of Shadowlands and an active TOP 0.1% M+ player since then
History of Previous Guilds:RETRY from tarren Mill and the Nightshade from ravencrest
Why did you leave them?:Toxic Environment towards a fellow guildie in the first guild and Bad leadership from 2nd guild
How did you find out about Violent Circus?:Through WoWProgress
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:because it fits perfectly with my schedule and i believe the guild is well led by a good circle of players and leaders!
What can you bring to the team?: i can bring a multiclass&role service and a consistent attendance and perfromance that suits the guild’s standars also a fun banter.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.):available when we’re raiding.
Anything else you would like to add?:i do some streaming from time to time during raiding