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  • Avatar photoBogdan
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias:

    Country of Origin:
    Romania, For the past 4 years I have relocated to Qatar where I curently live and work


    Main Character Name: Pádre – Kazzak
    Main Character Class: Priest

    Main Specialization: Holy
    Off Specialization:

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience:
    My raiding history goes all the way to 2005 when I have started playing. I was playing a rogue on which I have around 200 hours played, I remember we were having server first on lady vashj and all the way to Black Temple. Afterward life happened and I had to stop playing for a long period until 2012 a few months after Cataclysm was released. I have swapped servers and guilds playing casual in search of a social guild with a friendly environment. I was in the guild The Dambusters for a couple of good years where we have only played heroics without a main focus on mythic however we managed to reach 7/10 Castle Nathria. The guild took a turn for the worst and over half the players left due to what I believe to be a not so good guild management. I joined Cerebral shortly after where Im still part of the mythic team. Previous experience is as follows: Castle 8/10 (Fated 9/10) , Sepulcher 7/11 (Fated 6/11), Sanctum 10/10 (Fated 10/10). Currently I am at 2/8 and with Terros down to 14%, we lack the dps sadly.

    History of Previous Guilds: Cerebral Kazzak

    Why did you leave them?:
    I would like to be part of a little bit more serious team where players are having a look at the videos before the raid starts, focusing for the duration of the raid at the goals we all have, using a potion and a flask while being able to accept constructive criticism which might be helpful improving their play style etc. I do a lot of research before trying a new boss for the first time, always using pots, flasks, etc. My mindset is whatever it takes to get the kill and help the guild progression even if that might means me being benched or swapping players just for that extra bit of dps which be needed for the kill.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?: I searched the guild with open applications for Holy Priests

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
    From what I was able to see it`s seems like the guild is having a committed and reliable management team which gives me the confidence of overcoming possible bottleneck bosses and challenges without jeopardizing the rooster and guild stability.

    What can you bring to the team?:
    Dedicated player, I do a lot of research before any new encounter and very consistent once the encounter is no longer part of the progress.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
    3 Days/Week I can extend to maximum 4 for maximum 2 or 3 weeks once new content is released

    Anything else you would like to add?:
    Thank you for your time reading this, and one last thing if the spots are full however you might be needing someone reliable we can discuss my joining as a backup. I do not mind as long as we can play together as a team with a common goal and mindset for CE.

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hi Bogdan, thanks for your application!

    You seem like a nice guy reading through your app and we can see that you really want to improve your raiding environment. However you are not at the experience level we would want to have our raiders, so unfortunately we have to decline your application.
    We wish you good luck in finding a new guild soon!

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