Guest17 January 2023 at 18:37Post count: 205Name / Alias: Orca
Country of Origin: UK
Age: 30
Main Character Name: Orca
Main Character Class: EvokerMain Specialization: Preservation
Off Specialization: DevastationScreenshot of your UI: (I have a corsair scimitar mouse with loads of buttons on it hence my keybinds, the majority are all bound to the mouse or mouse+modifiers) https://gyazo.com/7eba84f3855cb5bdc7ba7f9bd53c16e3
Warcraft Logs Link: I don’t have any logs currently on this character (details at the bottom)
Previous PvE Experience & History of Previous Guilds: I’ve combined these questions since my answers blend together. I started playing WoW at the end of vanilla, and in TBC joined a guild called Avatar on Darkmoon Faire, they were one of the realm top guilds, I believe rank 3 or so. Since then I consistently raided at a high level in heroic/mythic(when it was introduced) in every tier up until the end of WoD. I was in Avatar until midway through WotLK, when Avatar disbanded and half of our members joined a raid group called Darkmoon Rising, this eventually turned into a proper guild at the beginning of Cataclysm, called Aegis. We were competing for realm first during Cata, and achieved quite a few of the kills – can’t remember exactly which from the top of my head, I just checked WoWProgress but can’t find much info, if I remember correctly we were around world 500 for the heroic deathwing kills though. I did the old challenge mode dungeons aswell as raiding during Warlords, but eventually halfway through the tier Aegis disbanded and I joined a guild called Antimatter, who soon also rose to be one of the realm top 3 guilds, I raided with them at that level until early Legion, when the guild disbanded and so I stopped playing. I only played BfA very casually and didn’t raid there. In Shadowlands I joined a random guild which I became an officer of, called Aether, we cleared heroic Nathria and got about halfway on mythic but then due to roster issues we stopped raiding So I then joined my friends guild called Rapture on Tarren Mill, cleared 10/10 mythic with them and then some heroic of the next tier, before quitting again due to my work hours changing and meaning I was unable to attend half of their raids. I’ve been playing since the release of DF, and have been casually raiding with my friends who are in a horde guild called Toast (I’m alliance and am not in their guild), we have cleared 7/8 heroic together, but they aren’t aiming for mythic progression. I’m just under 2k m+ score on my other character and have been enjoying playing those as DPS (I daren’t heal them – too much pressure!)
How did you find out about Violent Circus?: I’ve seen some of your players ingame and have known about your guild since the server merge, I was checking WoWProgress for potential guilds that I’d like to join and yours looks the most suitable
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: I’ve been desperate for a “real” raiding guild again ever since Aegis disbanded, that was the last time that I felt I had a “home” in WoW, and I want that again. Your raiding level/progress seems very similar to what I was previously used to, and is the level that I’m most comfortable playing in – good endgame progress without being mega hardcore. I also like that a lot of your members are long time players like myself.
What can you bring to the team?: As you can see from my guild history, all my guilds disbanded which was my reason for leaving, besides Rapture (which I am technically still a member of but they don’t play or raid anymore). I hope this shows that I am committed to my guild, I want a secure WoW family and to be able to make new friends and hang out with people. I’m sociable and friendly, super patient, and willing to take part in all other ingame activities outside of raiding. I come to raids fully prepared with consumables, enchants etc, have made sure I know tactics beforehand and am ready to wipe 1 million times without complaining. I know my class and character well, and am always willing to learn more and take constructive criticism. I have a good PC and fast internet connection so no dc’s or crashes.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.): I’m available any time due to being self employed, recently I have just been putting off my work and binging WoW… whoops
Anything else you would like to add?: As I don’t have logs you may be wondering if I’m a massive shitter and why I’m applying, but I am a very experienced player, I have a brain, I’m responsive and quick to learn. On my evoker I’ve healed normal vault and a few bosses on heroic with pugs, I really enjoy evoker healing. My gear is likely very lackluster for mythic raiding, but I can work on that if I am given the opportunity to join you. I’d like to think I’m applying as a player as a whole and not just as this character – since I haven’t been raiding properly this expansion I have been playing around on lots of different characters and alts without really dedicating full time to just 1 of them. I’m not really fussed with what character I play as long as I can be in a secure guild, so I saw you were recruiting a healer and I enjoy playing my evoker healer and would love to raid on it given the chance. I also have a holy priest, but with worse gear. Obviously if I would be in a guild and raiding then I would commit to gearing and playing 1 character. It feels like I’m not playing the game properly without being in a raiding guild, as that’s the only thing that I’m used to during all my previous playtime throughout the years. I can try and get some logs from lfr or something if you’d like but don’t know how useful those would be. I can also link you the armory etc of my other characters if you’re bothered about seeing them. Thanks for reading :)
Hello Orca,
Thank you for the application and your interest in our guild!
We apprecaite the effort you put into the application, and while it is true that you apply as a player and person,
and not just a character, we do still require a decent amount of experience, and unfortunately we don’t think you have enough of it.On that reason we will have to decline your application, and wish you the best of luck in finding a suitable guild!
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