Greenfurance / George
Guest21 January 2023 at 17:03Post count: 208Name / Alias: George
Country of Origin:England
Main Character Name:Greenfurnace
Main Character Class:EvokerMain Specialization:Preservation
Off Specialization:N/AScreenshot of your UI:file:///Users/georgemansfield/Downloads/Screenshot%202023-01-21%20at%2015.45.04.pdf
Warcraft Logs Link:https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/ravencrest/waterflows?zone=17
Previous PvE Experience:Previous cutting edge xp with world first archimonde heroic with Example guild. Was on member berries for a while for cutting edge argus and stopped playing after they disbanded.
History of Previous Guilds:Please see above
Why did you leave them?:Member berries disbanded and I tried a couple of other guilds but they didn’t have the same atmosphere. I am currently guileless while looking for one.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?:Wowprogress
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:A fun but serious raid atmosphere with potential for m+ at weekends and maybe an alt run or two.
What can you bring to the team?:I bring a lot of experience when studying logs so can definitely aid with healing cds and defensives. I am quite a fun character but know when to be serious. Especially in a 2 day guild where every pull counts!
Availability(How often are you available, etc.):I will be able to show for every raid and be a solid player for the team.
Anything else you would like to add?:I appreciate I don’t have much current xp but I am a very fast learner. I am already loving evoker and I believe I could definitely help your guild progress. I always come prepared and tend to watch multiple videos before boss encounters to try and compare any different tactics people are using. I also watch a lot of race to world first so apply that to future tacts when people obviously try the fights with higher ilvls. I also watch MSI. Any other info you need get in touch!
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