Guest20 August 2023 at 16:55Post count: 205Name / Alias: Winny
Country of Origin: England
Age: 24M
Main Character Name: Winnee-TarrenMill
Main Character Class: MonkMain Specialization: Mistweaver
Off Specialization: Other classes as dps/tank (don’t like playing monk offspecs in raids but can)Screenshot of your UI: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tMCUsHd_vqKHUF0e9DzUusRY2VkWiwNm/view?usp=sharing
Warcraft Logs Link: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/74888946 (The guild i was in private logged prog until after the sark kill but i helped them out on a reclear night so there are some logs up until neltharion, otherwise theres heroic logs, and if you need a nelth/sark log, i can reach out to some old friends that can hopefully send.)
Previous PvE Experience: Cutting Edges on: S2+3 SL, S1+2 DF
History of Previous Guilds: Cursed Gifts-TarrenMill, Exiles-EmeraldDream, Indecisive-EmeraldDream
Why did you leave them?: Atmosphere wasn’t welcoming and few too many toxic people in the group that were liked well by the Raid leader because, well he was one of them. Didn’t foster a healthy raid environment as far as i was concerned and i really didn’t enjoy raiding there. A lot of nice people for sure and everyone was solid as thair class, just didnt fit right for me, hopefully that can change here!
How did you find out about Violent Circus?: Raider.io
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: Honestly, I don’t know all too much about your guild or anyone here, but I tend to make good first impressions, im quite social and dedicated to the game, I raid, M+, play alts and try to gear my characters as best as possible. My expectations from the guild are mainly to just be welcoming, fun and to put the effort into raiding that can get us all the success we want from the season.
What can you bring to the team?: Firstly, i’d be bring the weaving of mists to the group and the buffs that come with it :P I’m quite level headed and tend to have ideas for how we can overcome obstacles in fights giving a different outlook on a problem. Im social and enjoy group content, am around long after raid times to do m+ and stuffs and i’m good at adapting in a fight as well as doing voluntary mechanics if needed.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.): Im available always after 7pm ST every day, a lot of the time i finish work earlier, am available most days of the week apart from some weekends.
Anything else you would like to add?: Nothing much here really, I get integrated quite quick, ready to raid again and chill the rest of the season until progress in S3, Hope the application ticks all the boxes :)
Hello again and very sorry for the late reply. Summertime is a bad time to discuss and keep up with applications.
Thank you for your application to us, and for the small chat we had on discord but unfortunately we will have to decline your application as we do not see our guild to be a good fit for you atm. You seem like a nice person howevever, so I wish you good luck in finding a place to call home in WoW!
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