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  • Avatar photoIrinel
    Post count: 205

    Name / Alias: Irinel / Esports

    Country of Origin: Romania

    Age: 34

    Main Character Name: Esports
    Main Character Class: Druid

    Main Specialization: Resto
    Off Specialization: Balance

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience: I have been playing on/off retail and private servers starting with vanilla. In legion the guild i was raiding with (long time friends) disbanded after getting CE on EN content, and that was the moment i took a pause from wow. Came back in 9.15 with the objective of finding a stable guild and re-learning my class. While doing that i managed to get 9/10 SOD M with casual guilds, in 9.2 i`ve set as objective CE, sadly went only 6/11 due to unstable roster.

    History of Previous Guilds: 9.2 & fated content, Unstable Unicorns, 9.15 was casual with random guilds.

    Why did you leave them?: progress objectives, i am quite serious with learning my class, the boss tactics, especially in the context of 2 days raiding, and sadly the guilds that i was in didn`t have CE as objective.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?: wowprogress

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: the raid schedule fits perfectly (i have the same one currently, wednesdays are work days for me), the objectives as well, and considering the performance with only a 2 day raid schedule, i am extremly impressed.

    What can you bring to the team?: i constantly improve and adapt to the guild needs as well as content requirements, i am quite active (daily), self-sufficient in terms of gear, i like to grind at the start of a new expansion/patch (1-2 weeks of holiday), and mostly helpfull in M+/achievement grinds

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.): every day of the week, exception being wednesday

    Anything else you would like to add?: I can attend 100% of the raiding days, i have quite a lot of experience, however a lot more to learn. I am looking for a stable guild that shares my objectives and values time.

    Avatar photoIrinel
    Post count: 205
    Avatar photoBiffen
    Post count: 116

    Hello Irinel,

    Thank you for your application.

    Unfortunately your application is quite short, and you do not have the experience we’re currently looking for in a raider.
    We have to decline your application and wish you luck in our search for a guild!

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