Guest14 September 2023 at 00:08Post count: 205Name / Alias: Andy / Isenhowitzer
Country of Origin: England
Age: 28
Main Character Name: Xervyish / Shinye / Kekvoker
Main Character Class: Druid / Monk / EvokerMain Specialization: Restoration / Mistweaver / Preservation
Off Specialization: Balance / WW or Brew / Dev or AugScreenshot of your UI: I stream/record all of my kills so you can find videos going back years from my pov here – https://www.youtube.com/@Isenhowitzer/videos
Warcraft Logs Link:
Druid (Aberrus) – https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/62962416
MW (SL to present) – https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/62904609
Prevoker (Vault/early Aberrus) – https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/70621385Previous PvE Experience:
I am a multi CE Healer with consistent mythic/heroic raiding experience as far back as Naxx 10 in Wotlk – I have only ever missed SoO as current raid content. Recent experience:
Nighthold – 6/10M (I think) as Hunter
ToS – 5/9M (I think) as MW
Antorus – 6/11M as MW
Uldir – 7/8M as MW
BoD – 8/9M as MW
EP – 8/8M (CE) as MW and then Holydin for CE
Nya’lotha – 12/12 (CE) as Holydin
Nathria – 10/10M (CE) as MW then Resto Sham for CE
Sanctum – 9/10M as Resto Sham (cursed Venth Ele for KT)
Sepulcher – 7/11M as MW (Brew for Halondrus)
Fated – Casual raids only
Vault – 8/8M (CE) as MW then Prevoker for CE
Aberrus – 8/9M Prevoker -> Devoker -> (Emergency Boomie) -> RduduHistory of Previous Guilds:
Socius – EN/ToV up to and including mid-tier-Uldir.
Prime Red Team – Uldir up to and including Nya’lotha CE
Prime Blue Team – Castle Nathria CE to the end of Sanctum
Raider turned Raid Assist turned Raid Leader
Pod Gaming – Sepulcher to present
GM and Healing OfficerWhy did you leave them?:
I left Red Team wishing to push myself further with Blue Team who, from a purely progression perspective, were the ‘better’ team within Prime. I did this at the end of Nya’lotha, after achieving CE with Red Team, so as to not leave them without a healer for progression.
Sanctum was a slog of a raid, and unfortunately 150+ pulls on Sylvanas early-p2 prog was enough for Blue Team to decide to call it quits.
The core of Blue Team reformed into Pod Gaming on EU-Stormscale (H) a couple of years ago because we missed the Blue community and playing together.
More recently, however, Pod Gaming has been suffering with raider-motivation, raider-attrition, slowness of progress, etc. There are now only three former ‘Blueberries’ left raiding, and after multiple tiers of trying to manage the guild experiencing the same problems tier after tier I came to the conclusion that I needed to step back, and away, from a Leadership position. I do, however, very much still enjoy raiding and wish to push myself further.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
I’d been on Defias from c. 2006 until 2021 so I’ve been aware of you guys for a while, especially when looking at the realm ranks during my time with Red and Blue Team.
More personally I’ve raided with Eadrom before in Blue Team, I’ve raided with Nivra a long time ago in Socius, and Ceda knows me well from my time in Prime and the odd time he pops into my stream!
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
I hope the names I mentioned above would be willing to vouch for me from both a raider- and personal-perspective. I believe myself to be a good enough player to be able to work within a team achieving the world-ranks and speed-of-progression akin to those that VC achieves.
Whilst I appreciate and acknowledge that VC’s current WR is far higher than that of my current or previous guilds I do believe myself to be capable enough to not be a hinderance to the team and contribute equally.
I’m not a drama-causer. I’ve had my fair share of acting as a mediator or a policeman in the past when drama has been caused and I would never want to wish that upon anyone else through any actions of my own.
I’m looking for somewhere quiet and chill to raid with a group of adults who respect each other, respect the time and effort that goes into raiding, and respects the time and effort that goes into preparing for raids (both from an individual-preparation perspective, and the extra hours of prep-work that Officers do outside of raid times).
Outside of raiding I do tend to find myself pushing M+ most seasons. Historically it’s been as a Monk (Brew or WWW) however this season I’ve been pushing as an Augvoker (almost 3.2k, nothing too special).
What can you bring to the team?:
I bring a lot of healing experience, particularly from the perspective of a Healing Officer. I understand how, where, and why assignments are made both from the perspective of being able to offer feedback or suggestions, where applicable, on specific assignments, but also from the perspective of knowing that sometimes you have to hold your 2-min CD for 01:50 because that’s when the team needs it rather than giving a damn about your HPS.
I’m a multi-classer, having only ever once achieved CE on the same class/spec as I started the tier on. This expansion I have mythic-raided as a MW, Prevoker, and currently Resto Druid. As noted above I have also achieved CE as a Resto Shaman too. Healing is what I do, and if a ‘fotm’ reroll is required I’m often willing to reroll for the good of the team (e.g. doing most of Vault as MW and then going Prevoker for Raszageth).
For Aberrus I am ideally looking to finish out the tier as Resto Druid (at least for one Sark kill!). After that, lets just say you wouldn’t need to put a gun to my head if you needed/wanted me roll back to Monk (again!)!
Whilst my evoker is most certainly available and geared, I have not seriously raided as Preservation since early-Aberrus so I’m likely a little bit rusty there.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
I’m available to pretty much every day from 19/20:00 ST onwards, so VC’s raid times suit me well.
I do have a few holidays booked in for the end of this year which would mean missing some raids (happy to provide the dates) however this isn’t the norm – I most certainly can’t afford for it to be the norm, it just so happens that I’ve barely taken any annual-leave from work so far this year and need to use it before the end of December.
Anything else you would like to add?:
Outside of WoW I’m a raver, biker and go to the gym every now and then. I’m a football, cricket, and NFL fan, and (apologies in advance!) I like the odd dad-joke or two.
I work from home a few days per week so I’m often on discord or in-game whilst ‘working.’
I’m around for a chat most evenings, so thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear from you soon.
Cheers, Andy.
Hey Andy,
Thanks for the application, we will discuss it and get back to you with an answer.
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