Name / Alias:
My name is Frederik, but people also call me Frede, since its easier for international people
Country of Origin:
Main Character Name: Fredeshaman
Main Character Class: Resto shaman
Main Specialization: Resto
Off Specialization: Elemental
Screenshot of your UI:
Warcraft Logs Link:
Previous PvE Experience: Multiple CE’s on Resto shaman
History of Previous Guilds: My previous guild was Flare – Twisting nether, where I was an officer for 2 tiers
Why did you leave them?: I stepped down from the officer role, because of my work schedule, and since I stepped down I think a lot of poor decisions were made in the guild, and can no longer see myself raiding with them.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?: A friend of mine linked the guild, and it was brought to my attention on wowprogress.
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: The core values of the guild are very appealing to me and I, therefore, think it will be a great fit
What can you bring to the team?: I bring a lot of humor, knowledge, and excitement to the table, and of course BIG PUMP.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.): I’m available, during the evening and on weekends, I also do some m+ from time to time.
Anything else you would like to add?: If you have any more questions feel free to reach out on discord Frede#7075