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  • Avatar photoJelle (Myrst?c)
    Post count: 116

    Name / Alias: Jelle / Myrst?c

    Country of Origin: Born in Switserland, living in The Netherlands since my 7th.

    Age: 29 (Auch.)

    Main Character Name: Myrst?c
    Main Character Class: Shaman

    Main Specialization: Restoration (iLvl 221/222)
    Off Specialization: Elemental (iLvl 223)

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link: Haven’t used it before, but i’m willing to do so. Just created an account.

    Previous PvE/PvP Experience:
    I started playing WoW in vanilla (Yes, a long time ago), and experienced loads of ZG, MC, BwL and a little bit of naxxramas in a guild who had it on clear (unfortunately TBC came around the corner by then) as a resto druid. In TBC I was in the main group to clear Karazhan; cleared serpentshrine cavern, tempest keep and ofcourse gruuls lair ^^. Did a few bosses in BT, but then my main focus went to PVP. In Wotlk i played Resto shaman in PVP and figured I was pretty good at it and was rank 1 for most of season 6 in the battlegroup of the Sylvanas server (not sure what the name is anymore). Next to pvp I raided Naxxramas, Ulduar and ICC and everything inbetween casually. Played on and off the next expansions. Also tanked in a guild as a prot pala in firelands. Then lets get into recent times. I came back tot WoW around 5 months ago and started with a main focus on raiding. I raided up untill recently 2 days a week in a cassual guild doing normal and heroic Castle Nathria. Cleared up untill Sire heroic. Unfortunately we couldn’t get him down while I was in the guild (wasn’t my fault ^^ )

    History of Previous Guilds and why I left them:
    – I’ve been in a lot of guilds during my life of warcraft, it’s difficult to name them all, so i’ll mention a few. At the end of Vanilla and my TBC experience I was in Shadow Conclave. I left Shadow conclave, because I became more interested in PVP back then.
    – After that other guilds are foggy in my memory.
    – Recently I joined Shadowsong to see if I liked raiding. And I did, so I went on an adventure with them. I left the guild because I was ready for a group of people who are a more active and experienced.
    – I’ve been searching for a guild ever since, right now i’m in Mental Asylum, but it doesn’t feel like the right fit for me and I just heard their raid times, which do not comply with my current schedule.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
    To be honest, I was searching for a group of people who were more close to my iLvl. I haven’t been playing that long this expansion and would like a group more fitting to me. So I searched for guilds by googling “defias brotherhood guilds” and came across this one.

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
    I think this guild is dedicated, experienced and mature, which is what i’m searching for in a guild. My expectation is a group of fun/like minded people that enjoy the game as much as I do and want to experience the game on the higher difficulties.

    What can you bring to the team?:
    A very experienced raider, smart minded, skilled and dedicated to the guild’s efforts. I know my class backwards and forwards (except enhancement, i don’t like it at all haha). I will prepare and be ready for the content up ahead.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
    I’m available pretty much every night. My current workdays are wednesday’s and friday’s from 8 to 19:30, so other than that i’m available for raiding (if real life does not interfere ofcourse ;> )

    Anything else you would like to add?:
    I Hope we fit well!

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