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  • Avatar photoSpecia
    Post count: 197

    Name / Alias: Specia

    Country of Origin: Belgium

    Age: 30

    Main Character Name: Specia
    Main Character Class: Druid

    Main Specialization: Restoration
    Off Specialization: Balance

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:
    guldan mythic
    helya mythic
    xavius mythic

    Loads of more logs you can dig into.

    Previous PvE Experience:
    Started casually raiding around the end of tbc untill wotlk naxx.
    Joined SlashCry on Kazzak from Ulduar towards end of cata where the guild disbanded.
    – World #9 Anub’arak
    – World #20 Ragnaros
    – World #20 Madness of DW
    – World #21 Spine of DW
    – World #29 Al’akir
    – World #29 Nefarian
    – World #37 Freya
    – World #38 Alone in the Darkness
    – A Tribute to immortality

    Afterwards joined a more laid back raiding guild callled Bad Omen on Dentarg.
    Mosty farmed Dragonsoul and progressed Tier 14 in Mop.
    – World #426 Tier 14
    Guild decided to shift towards 10 man raiding which was not in my interest.

    Joined a more semi hardcore guild called Darkstorm on Zenedar later.

    25m Tier 15: World rank 71

    25m Tier 16: World rank 50

    Tier 17 Mythic: World rank 102

    Tier 18 Mythic: World rank 59

    Tier 19 Mythic:
    • Xavius world rank 56
    • Helya world rank 70
    • Odyn world rank 74
    • Gul’dan world rank 83

    As bonus achieved The chosen and Realm First legion keystone +15 master.
    Mop gold, WoD gold. Here and there pushed for high ranking speed runs during WoD when M+ wasn’t a thing yet.

    From there Darkstorm was in disarray and most people quited and right on that moment had job opportunities that would be hard to continue raiding. So it was best to lay down WoW for once.

    History of Previous Guilds:
    – Explained earlier.

    Why did you leave them?:
    – Explained earlier.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
    Violent Circus seems like a good fit to stay in since it’s raiding schedule is more relaxed with the intend of clearing mythic with a friendly environment.
    Clearing the current raid content in a fairly short amount of time with reasonable hours of raid time.
    It is important to me that we all learn as one. Giving feedback in a friendly way about what could be improved.
    Let’s also add funny kekw memes while also being fully focused during progress attempts.

    What can you bring to the team?:
    At all times top-notch ready with raid encounters and class knowledge since tbc.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
    Raiding schedule at all times available.
    Beside raiding i’m also most of the time available for mythic+ or other side content activities.

    Anything else you would like to add?:
    Most things are said.
    As you may have noticed I have indeed had a big hiatus since skipping bfa and shadowlands. Still, the mentality of the raiding minset still lingers.
    You could say I’m back from retirement.

    I did however raid “”hardcore”” on classic for awhile.
    Mostly hovering around the world #10 clears untill Naxx.

    Avatar photoFluffy
    Post count: 42

    Hi Specia, thanks for your lengthy application.
    However we just filled our Roster today, so we have to decline your application.
    Good luck finding a guild and enjoy Dragon Flight!

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